Title: Unexpected Destinies Rating: PG-13 Spoilers: up to and including Exile on Main St., AU from the end of season 5 Warnings: AU, slash Word Count: 2,914 Summary: Dean puts his new theory to the test.
There was no need to unnecessarily risk making things more complicated for the angel then they already were, especially when that risk came right along with the risk that he'd drive off his friend and wind up alone.
At least that had been his resolution and he'd definitely intended to follow it through. He should have known better than to think he could keep to it, especially with Castiel involved.
"What is a blowjob?"
*snerk* Yeah, that worked out well.
Although, I loved Dean's experiment to find out if Castiel likes him like that. Very clever not to mention eye opening.
No, that wasn't jealously that Dean was feeling, it really wasn't. It was discomfort. He was discomforted at the fact that someone might have tried something on his innocent friend. Nor was his heart speeding up at the thought that Castiel was inquiring about sexual acts, it was just some stupid evolutionary response to a friend having been potentially threatened or mistreated, that was all. It was-
Yeah, fuck, he wasn't deceiving himself, not this time.LOL
( ... )
Would you believe me if I said the whole last scene here came out of nowhere? This chapter was going to be the first scene and I was already working on chapter 18 when I went back and thought that this wasn't enough. Then this scene just kinda blindsighted me. It was a lot of fun to write. As for Dean's experiments, yeah, well if there's one thing that boy knows, it's human sexual behavior and signals! Cas always stuck me as having a sweeter tooth when it came to alcohol, not sure why. Maybe its the fact that he could just sit there drinking them and not giving a damn if everyone's looking at him for doing so. Thanks!
Yeah, poor Dean. And, nah, not this Cas, in this fic I'm going more with the innocent and oblivious angel. In others I'll explore the more knowledgable one. I can see it going both ways and thus will go which ever way I want to for any particular fic. Thanks!
Comments 22
At least that had been his resolution and he'd definitely intended to follow it through. He should have known better than to think he could keep to it, especially with Castiel involved.
"What is a blowjob?"
*snerk* Yeah, that worked out well.
Although, I loved Dean's experiment to find out if Castiel likes him like that. Very clever not to mention eye opening.
No, that wasn't jealously that Dean was feeling, it really wasn't. It was discomfort. He was discomforted at the fact that someone might have tried something on his innocent friend. Nor was his heart speeding up at the thought that Castiel was inquiring about sexual acts, it was just some stupid evolutionary response to a friend having been potentially threatened or mistreated, that was all. It was-
Yeah, fuck, he wasn't deceiving himself, not this time.LOL ( ... )
As for Dean's experiments, yeah, well if there's one thing that boy knows, it's human sexual behavior and signals!
Cas always stuck me as having a sweeter tooth when it came to alcohol, not sure why. Maybe its the fact that he could just sit there drinking them and not giving a damn if everyone's looking at him for doing so.
Great chapter, I can't wait to read the next :)
I said blow *giggles*
This was sweet and funny and angsty and...DAMN I'm loving this!! I can hardly wait for the next one!!
Love the icon, by the way. This fandom just gives us so much to work with, doesn't it? I love it!
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