Title: Unexpected Destinies Rating: PG-13 Spoilers: up to and including Exile on Main St., AU from the end of season 5 Warnings: AU, slash Word Count: 3,606 Summary: Dean's arrival at the Campbell family compound.
Go,go Dean! Show everyone how you've changed... for the better XD Here in Italy, last night has started season six and seeing that... while reading this... goddess, I'm not sure my stomach can last till the end. Dean is a great man now. Cas, Mike, Raphael too helped him in so many ways! He is a beautiful person, inside and outside, whole... healthy... not the shell he was before. However I don't know if Samuel... or Sam, above all Sam, can accept this new Dean. Don't worry, I don't live near the areas affected by the earthquake so I'm alright... quite alright. However I've a few friends there and I'm very worried for them. I'm trying to hope for the better. Mmm, the chapter was awesome only... your Italian. It was right, just... Dean is talking to a priest not a friend. You should only make small adjustments. I don't want to be bitchy, really, only your story is perfect and these things will make it even better.
I personally think that for both seasons 6 & 7, the ending is far better than the beginning. But it depends a little on what you like. I still think I'm gonna run with an AU of 6.22 for my Dean/Cas BB as there was so much potential there! Dean is totally healthier now than he was before and Sam will have problems with it as he's never known his brother like that. Oh, I glad to hear it! Lol, feel free to correct my Italian for me. I will honestly admit that I went right to the Google translator and typed in what I needed. I did wonder at the 't' version of the verbs as I know from French that it is not as formal, but I couldn't get it to give me anything else so I used it.
Let's see... "Padre Mancini, come stai?" should be "Padre Mancini, come sta?" (Dean is talking to an elder and a priest, so he should show him... some respect XD) Remove the last "i" and it's alright ^_^ "Anche tu. Addio, Padre Mancini" becomes "Anche lei (same thing of before: Dean is talking to a man of power. And it's the answer to Padre Mancini's "Take care of yourself" right?). "Arrivederci, Padre Mancini". (Because if you say "addio", it's like Dean is never going to see tha priest again.)
Like I said before, small things XD Well, 7x23 was more like a bridge for the new season than a real end because, heck, Gamble has destroyed everything she could destroy and had to leave to Carver at least a point to where start the rebuild. AND DESTIEL BECAME CANON, HURRAH XD Season six... I LOVED, really loved, Godstiel! He was so full of potential... a potential we didn't see >.< I don't know if you know Death Note, but I've always imagined Godstiel like an angelic Kira. He wants to do good but his desire to make the world a better place makes him lose the right path. When he thinks "the end justifies the means", Cas like Kira loses himself. A better plot should have been: Cas wants to give Dean an Heaven on Earth so he starts to kill everything and everyone whom can hinder this dream. Dean hates him? It's not important right now, because in the end Dean will see what Cas did for him and will love the angel for sure. How can you hate someone like that? Sam did the same thing in season four, didn't he?
??? Canon? Nope, but I might have a play with Godstiel for my BB, we'll see. That or even Godstiel as the bad guy as he would have made an awesome one, knowing the boys and Bobby so well. And they'd have been tortured about what to do with him!
Dean is a great man now. Cas, Mike, Raphael too helped him in so many ways! He is a beautiful person, inside and outside, whole... healthy... not the shell he was before. However I don't know if Samuel... or Sam, above all Sam, can accept this new Dean.
Don't worry, I don't live near the areas affected by the earthquake so I'm alright... quite alright. However I've a few friends there and I'm very worried for them. I'm trying to hope for the better.
Mmm, the chapter was awesome only... your Italian. It was right, just... Dean is talking to a priest not a friend. You should only make small adjustments. I don't want to be bitchy, really, only your story is perfect and these things will make it even better.
Dean is totally healthier now than he was before and Sam will have problems with it as he's never known his brother like that.
Oh, I glad to hear it!
Lol, feel free to correct my Italian for me. I will honestly admit that I went right to the Google translator and typed in what I needed. I did wonder at the 't' version of the verbs as I know from French that it is not as formal, but I couldn't get it to give me anything else so I used it.
"Padre Mancini, come stai?" should be "Padre Mancini, come sta?" (Dean is talking to an elder and a priest, so he should show him... some respect XD) Remove the last "i" and it's alright ^_^
"Anche tu. Addio, Padre Mancini" becomes "Anche lei (same thing of before: Dean is talking to a man of power. And it's the answer to Padre Mancini's "Take care of yourself" right?). "Arrivederci, Padre Mancini". (Because if you say "addio", it's like Dean is never going to see tha priest again.)
Well, 7x23 was more like a bridge for the new season than a real end because, heck, Gamble has destroyed everything she could destroy and had to leave to Carver at least a point to where start the rebuild. AND DESTIEL BECAME CANON, HURRAH XD
Season six... I LOVED, really loved, Godstiel! He was so full of potential... a potential we didn't see >.<
I don't know if you know Death Note, but I've always imagined Godstiel like an angelic Kira. He wants to do good but his desire to make the world a better place makes him lose the right path. When he thinks "the end justifies the means", Cas like Kira loses himself.
A better plot should have been: Cas wants to give Dean an Heaven on Earth so he starts to kill everything and everyone whom can hinder this dream. Dean hates him? It's not important right now, because in the end Dean will see what Cas did for him and will love the angel for sure. How can you hate someone like that? Sam did the same thing in season four, didn't he?
Nope, but I might have a play with Godstiel for my BB, we'll see.
That or even Godstiel as the bad guy as he would have made an awesome one, knowing the boys and Bobby so well. And they'd have been tortured about what to do with him!
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