Title: Unexpected Destinies Rating: NC-17 Spoilers: up to and including Exile on Main St., AU from the end of season 5 Warnings: AU, slash, oral, food!sex Word Count: 2,577 Summary: Michael awakens Dean late at night with bad news.
Lol, he just may be. Poor Dean :) I'm not sure if it'll make it into the main fic, but I've got a little scene planned where Sammy gets traumatized by something relating to this. If it doesn't make it into a chapter it might become an extra or lost scene to be done on its own later.
Awesome, just...awesome *grins* can't wait for so many things that're coming up in this fic! How will the Campbells and Sam and Bobby deal with the reality of Dean's new life and family? Ooo it's gonna be good I'm sure...Dean and his Angels should so screw with their heads a bit if they have time! :-D Plus, I'd love to see their faces when Dean's official Vatican backing gets found out!
Comments 79
It's a pretty straight forward equation isn't it?
Dean + chocolate = bliss
I suddenly remembered that I'd kinda promised chocolate!sex a while back and thought I should deliver on it.
I'm not sure if it'll make it into the main fic, but I've got a little scene planned where Sammy gets traumatized by something relating to this. If it doesn't make it into a chapter it might become an extra or lost scene to be done on its own later.
Dean+Chocolate: I know what I'm dreaming about tonight. :D
The first of those chapters is now up!
Lol, was it fun?
Please update soon!!! :-D
It was so strange to see 'present' at the top of a Dean pov chapter!
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