Title: Unexpected Destinies Rating: PG-13 Spoilers: up to and including Exile on Main St., AU from the end of season 5 Warnings: AU, slash Word Count: 2,954 Summary: Sam discovers what his grandfather and cousins have been up to.
Dude?!? What the hell is Christian's problem with Dean now? Is he a demon in this as well as he was in canon? I love this update... i've been waiting to see how it went with them all reading the "gospels"!
I love volleyball, but it can be hard on the arms.
... and once again, Christian refuses to accept any evidence that might *raise* anyone in his estimation.
I can't help feeling (a little) sympathy for Sam right now. It seems that every time he starts feeling ahead of the game, one of his ... mistakes ... comes and bites him on the ass.
Re: *sympathy*otp_destielMarch 19 2012, 22:21:23 UTC
Indeed it can! I'll have to be more careful from now on. It'll go a lot better for Sam if he can come to realize that he's his own biggest problem. The rest will sort itself out then.
Ok, I suppose I get Sam's feelings to some extent - the books contain some pretty revealing things (many of which don't cast him in a good light), but despite his earlier good mood, he's still taking things very personally and negatively.
I can't say I get Christian's issues, though. He disliked Dean before, from the skewed perspective Sam gave, but now he's seen a more rounded version of Dean, even if he didn't read all the books, I don't see what he dislikes.
I hope your wrist feels better soon, and not only because it will mean Christian's problem being revealed all the sooner ;).
I know, I'd personally hate something like these books with a burning passion! So, yes, Sam's betrayal here makes perfect sense, but he is the one who told his grandfather about them and drove Samuel to needing to resort to them. That will be clarified a little in the next 'present' chapter. But think of how easily a first impression (or in this case description) lingers with people. It can skew a lot of subsequent interactions. Thanks.
Comments 73
As always, i can't wait for more!!
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... and once again, Christian refuses to accept any evidence that might *raise* anyone in his estimation.
I can't help feeling (a little) sympathy for Sam right now. It seems that every time he starts feeling ahead of the game, one of his ... mistakes ... comes and bites him on the ass.
It'll go a lot better for Sam if he can come to realize that he's his own biggest problem. The rest will sort itself out then.
I really want one of the angels to kick Christian's teeth in. Like, seriously.
Interesting stuff!
I can't say I get Christian's issues, though. He disliked Dean before, from the skewed perspective Sam gave, but now he's seen a more rounded version of Dean, even if he didn't read all the books, I don't see what he dislikes.
I hope your wrist feels better soon, and not only because it will mean Christian's problem being revealed all the sooner ;).
That will be clarified a little in the next 'present' chapter. But think of how easily a first impression (or in this case description) lingers with people. It can skew a lot of subsequent interactions.
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