Title: Unexpected Destinies Rating: PG-13 Spoilers: up to and including Exile on Main St., AU from the end of season 5 Warnings: AU, slash Word Count: 3,129 Summary: Samuel decides that he needs to know more about his grandsons.
One of the new book is called "Unexpected Destinies" huh? 8D Samuel is funny beeing more afraid about any sexual content rather that possible violence... I think he'll regret not having to read some sexing but rather all the horrors that happened to the brothers. I rather like the grandpa. Love it!
I'm feeling what can only be called helpless delightfireflybannerJanuary 21 2012, 23:18:58 UTC
Somehow, Samuel just became a favorite character.
You show the personalities with interesting facets. By the time they're (I'm assuming Samuel with pass the books throughout the Campbell group) halfway though the series, I suspect they'll all be various degrees of heartbroken.
Comments 54
Samuel is funny beeing more afraid about any sexual content rather that possible violence... I think he'll regret not having to read some sexing but rather all the horrors that happened to the brothers.
I rather like the grandpa.
Love it!
Winged Golden Tiger
Also, I can not wait to see Samuel's reaction to Sam's... omissions and editing.
Will be fascinating!
Keep writing cause heaven knows I want to keep reading!
Thanks and the next chapter is now up.
You show the personalities with interesting facets. By the time they're (I'm assuming Samuel with pass the books throughout the Campbell group) halfway though the series, I suspect they'll all be various degrees of heartbroken.
Ah, but how to convince Christian to read them?
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