Title: Unexpected Destinies Rating: NC-17 Spoilers: up to and including Exile on Main St., AU from the end of season 5 Warnings: AU, slash, wing!fic, bare backing Word Count: 2,602 Summary: Castiel takes care of his mate.
The moniker drew an unexpected surge of jealousy and possessiveness from Castiel and he tightened his hold on his mate though he was careful not to exert any of his true strength for fear of hurting Dean.
Mm. Jealous and Possessive Cas is so hot!
The first thing Dean did was run his fingers through the mess as if trying to clean it up himself, but Castiel knew that couldn't be his mate's intention. He waited quietly for a bit as Dean seemed to hesitate, but then his hunter ran his fingers through the feathers as if grooming them and thus deliberately spreading his come.
Oh kinky and yet so Dean marking his mark on Cas!
And yeah for Dean eating healthy! All it took was falling in love with an angel.
To me it's a sign of Dean progressing, the fact that he wants to mark something as his and then takes steps to do so. *whimpers* No, please don't let it be another epic, I don't think I can survive that. And I really need to sit down and finish the second part.
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"Little One?" Castiel questioned, startled.
The moniker drew an unexpected surge of jealousy and possessiveness from Castiel and he tightened his hold on his mate though he was careful not to exert any of his true strength for fear of hurting Dean.
Mm. Jealous and Possessive Cas is so hot!
The first thing Dean did was run his fingers through the mess as if trying to clean it up himself, but Castiel knew that couldn't be his mate's intention. He waited quietly for a bit as Dean seemed to hesitate, but then his hunter ran his fingers through the feathers as if grooming them and thus deliberately spreading his come.
Oh kinky and yet so Dean marking his mark on Cas!
And yeah for Dean eating healthy! All it took was falling in love with an angel.
Btw, how's your second epic Atlas Shrugged going?
No, please don't let it be another epic, I don't think I can survive that. And I really need to sit down and finish the second part.
Can't get over how much I love this fic.
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