Title: Unexpected Destinies Rating: PG-13 Spoilers: up to and including Exile on Main St., AU from the end of season 5 Warnings: AU, slash Word Count: 2,302 Summary: Bobby tells the others what they must do to prepare Sam for the ritual.
Ohh... I knew that Sam had kept quiet about that little blood drinking habit he picked up. After all he is the "good boy who saved the world" and all that crap. When does the rest of the family get to find out that Sam turned on his brother for his demon whore? And the previously mentioned little fact that it was Dear Sammy who let Lucifer out in the first place? And of his own free will, no torture involved. Eagerly waiting for the next chapter (like always).
Lol, no worries, I find it infinitely amusing how much I seem to have made people hate Sam in this fic. And the best part is that I took most of it from 6.01!
Actually, I have had issues with Sam since season 1, ep 2. The way he was willing to leave Haily's brother when he found that their dad wasn't there did not set well with me. Nor the way they painted Sam as the Golden Boy of the family. Even their mother's spirit apologized to Sam, what about Dean? Her actions ultimately sent her eldest to ~hell~. Everything Sam did he did of his own free will, because he is the smarter brother, he knows best. Back in season 1, can't remember which episode, didn't Dean hack the FBI? And Sam gets all the credit for being a computer geek. It bugs the hell out of me.
Yeah, that bit in 1.02 bugged the hell out of me too. I had a huge discussion not too long ago with someone who didn't used to like Dean too much as she said he was far too black and white back then, like a soldier, just killing indiscriminantly. I couldn't believe it as Dean has always said that it was about saving people. And yes, killing things, but until the female vampire a lot later on it was never proven that anything they hunted could be good, it was black and white in a way it isn't with real people, which Dean has always steered clear of dealing with. Ooo, now I want to know what episode that was. But yes, I read an analysis on Dean's smarts once and one of the things pointed out was that he made the EMF detector and yes, while it came from a cassette player, that actually added to the value of it instead of detracting from it. It's harder to convert then to built from scratch.
Yep, several people saw that bit coming. Bobby hasn't quite figured all of it out yet (like just how Sam worded his reply to Samuel to make it seem like this was the only time) but he will later on. As for the rest of the revelations, you'll have to wait and see.
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Ooo, now I want to know what episode that was. But yes, I read an analysis on Dean's smarts once and one of the things pointed out was that he made the EMF detector and yes, while it came from a cassette player, that actually added to the value of it instead of detracting from it. It's harder to convert then to built from scratch.
As for the rest of the revelations, you'll have to wait and see.
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