Title: Unexpected Destinies Rating: PG-13 Spoilers: up to and including Exile on Main St., AU from the end of season 5 Warnings: AU, slash Word Count: 2,344 Summary: "Yes. Hop on in, Mike."
Lol, that's 'cause you're coming to know me quite well. Besides, this was one of the big plot points I knew about ahead of time, so I'm definitely going to be running with it as much as I can. I've always kinda wanted to explore the Dean-as-a-vessel thing. Well, it's canon that it's not a walk in the park and that was Jimmy talking about Cas. And, much as I love him, Cas is a seraph and nowhere near an archangel at the time Jimmy was talking about it, so I figure it's infinitely worse with an arch. Plus, despite having said yes, I see Dean as resisting it on an instinctive level. That poor boy just can't do things the easy way :(
"Damnit, will you just do it already?" Dean demanded when he sat down on the bed and it looked like Michael was going to start talking again. "The suspense is killing me, man!"
LOL! Talk about dramatic timing!
"I love you," Dean whispered, the words flowing easily.
Castiel's eyes closed and he looked almost in pain, throat working uselessly for a few seconds before his angel seemed to steel himself. "I love you too, Dean."
Ah! So loving and sweet!
You evil tease! Not I have to wait till next chapter! Ugh!
The irony was too much for me to leave it alone. I'm not being particularly good with impulse control when it comes to this fic, but since most people seem to like that I'm not getting any better at it. And who said the next chapter would resolve it? Why thank you!
Comments 47
I, I, just ....ARGH!!!!!
*i hate you so much*
How about I find you terribly frustrating?
And speaking of frustrating, how about chapter two of Atlas Shrugged? any eta yet?
Sorry, I've got a chunk of it written but I really don't have much of an excuse. Don't be afraid to keep pushing for it!
I'm right there with ya Dean.
Evil author.
Is it bad that this makes me smile like a loon?
(The comment has been removed)
Well, it's canon that it's not a walk in the park and that was Jimmy talking about Cas. And, much as I love him, Cas is a seraph and nowhere near an archangel at the time Jimmy was talking about it, so I figure it's infinitely worse with an arch. Plus, despite having said yes, I see Dean as resisting it on an instinctive level. That poor boy just can't do things the easy way :(
"Damnit, will you just do it already?" Dean demanded when he sat down on the bed and it looked like Michael was going to start talking again. "The suspense is killing me, man!"
LOL! Talk about dramatic timing!
"I love you," Dean whispered, the words flowing easily.
Castiel's eyes closed and he looked almost in pain, throat working uselessly for a few seconds before his angel seemed to steel himself. "I love you too, Dean."
Ah! So loving and sweet!
You evil tease! Not I have to wait till next chapter! Ugh!
You are so good at being so bad.
And who said the next chapter would resolve it?
Why thank you!
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