Title: Unexpected Destinies Rating: PG-13 Spoilers: up to and including Exile on Main St., AU from the end of season 5 Warnings: AU, slash Word Count: 3,188 Summary: Dean and Castiel discuss their options.
Yeah, this was one of the big plot points I knew from the start (a surprisingly large part of this fic was not planned). Lol, he just needs to catch up with things a little.
Ah! I like that Cas is worried that he over did it with Dean and wants to make amends for it. This having emotions thing must be very overwhelming.
"Okay, great. But, Cas, I want you to promise me the same thing as well."
Castiel frowned. "I have seen you do things for Sam and Bobby that you didn't like, why is this different?"
"Huh? Oh, 'cause I was talking about sex," Dean pulled a face at the mental image his angel had just given him.
LOL and Ew!
He really hadn't and thus was glad to avoid it. Dean then rolled to the side of the bed where his remaining clothes had ended up, neatly folded as always, next to the room's obligatory alarm clock. He grabbed his boxers and jeans, pulling them on before he stretched, scratching his stomach. He was just about to go rummage through his duffle for replacement shirts when the two he had been wearing earlier and that his lover had literally torn off of him were offered back to him completely fixed by a slightly embarrassed looking angel
( ... )
Lol, yes, emotions are difficult to deal with, especially when they are so overwhelming as Cas' were at that particular point in time. No, actually the word 'impossible' was 'possible' at first but during editing I changed it. Not sure why now, but I've added in a 'not' as it seemed easier to go that way. Thanks for pointing it out. Well, not quite nothing, they have a far better understanding of Michael now. But yes, it remains to be seen how he comes out of this. Hee hee, talk about the shit hitting the fan when those two learn what Dean has done!
Comments 61
And poor Cas, being all worried about using his strength against Dean. It's ok, Cas. It's more than ok. It's downright hot!
Lol, he just needs to catch up with things a little.
Good God, woman. You better write the next chapter quick!
Yes, please.
"Okay, great. But, Cas, I want you to promise me the same thing as well."
Castiel frowned. "I have seen you do things for Sam and Bobby that you didn't like, why is this different?"
"Huh? Oh, 'cause I was talking about sex," Dean pulled a face at the mental image his angel had just given him.
LOL and Ew!
He really hadn't and thus was glad to avoid it. Dean then rolled to the side of the bed where his remaining clothes had ended up, neatly folded as always, next to the room's obligatory alarm clock. He grabbed his boxers and jeans, pulling them on before he stretched, scratching his stomach. He was just about to go rummage through his duffle for replacement shirts when the two he had been wearing earlier and that his lover had literally torn off of him were offered back to him completely fixed by a slightly embarrassed looking angel ( ... )
No, actually the word 'impossible' was 'possible' at first but during editing I changed it. Not sure why now, but I've added in a 'not' as it seemed easier to go that way. Thanks for pointing it out.
Well, not quite nothing, they have a far better understanding of Michael now. But yes, it remains to be seen how he comes out of this.
Hee hee, talk about the shit hitting the fan when those two learn what Dean has done!
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