Title: Unexpected Destinies Rating: PG-13 Spoilers: up to and including Exile on Main St., AU from the end of season 5 Warnings: AU, slash Word Count: 2,347 Summary: Team Angel needs to figure out where they stand.
LOL! I love the conversation in the bathroom. Teaching angels about mundane things is so amusing.
"How? I mean, really, how would it matter? If it's not true, then we have no guidance and need to figure it out for ourselves. Whereas if it is true, then you need to accept that everything that has already happened so far was also part of God's plan," Dean said, catching how the two older archangels flinched at those words. In a way he felt sorry for them, if things really did turn out to be like that, then they'd basically been set up by their own father while He knew that they'd fail. If that were his dad doing that, he'd be pissed to all hell and back, that was for sure. "And the only way that things have progressed so far was by Cas, Sam and I figuring things out for ourselves. Which would mean that we need to keep doing as we have been and figure things out for ourselves. So, basically, the end result is the same either way. So how does it matter which it is?"You know I do feel some sympathy for Mike and Ralph here because thinking
( ... )
Hee hee, I totally agree and there will be more of teaching angels mundane things. A few of the future scenes that I've already written revolve around that. I couldn't resist them when the idea came to me! Yeah, I do feel kinda sorry for them, this has be thrust onto them so unexpectedly. Yep, I have to keep things interesting somehow, right? I mean 3 on 1 just isn't that great, but 3 on 2 where one of the 3 isn't used to his powers? Makes things a bit more interesting.
Hehe Cassiel and Castiel... you know, I always thought of it as the two of them being twins... cause you know some people name their twins similar names and all lol.
I just couldn't leave it when I needed another angel name. Castiel, of course, doesn't exist when you look up names of known angels and I think they might always have been thinking of Cassiel as apparently they write Cas as Cass.
Yep, gotta add tension and angst somehow with allpowerful characters! Yeah, I know, the opportunity for amusingly dense stuff is just so great. There will be more of that as I couldn't resist writing a few more scenes already, but they can't happen until something else major does. Something I don't think most people have seen coming yet!
Comments 38
"How? I mean, really, how would it matter? If it's not true, then we have no guidance and need to figure it out for ourselves. Whereas if it is true, then you need to accept that everything that has already happened so far was also part of God's plan," Dean said, catching how the two older archangels flinched at those words. In a way he felt sorry for them, if things really did turn out to be like that, then they'd basically been set up by their own father while He knew that they'd fail. If that were his dad doing that, he'd be pissed to all hell and back, that was for sure. "And the only way that things have progressed so far was by Cas, Sam and I figuring things out for ourselves. Which would mean that we need to keep doing as we have been and figure things out for ourselves. So, basically, the end result is the same either way. So how does it matter which it is?"You know I do feel some sympathy for Mike and Ralph here because thinking ( ... )
Yeah, I do feel kinda sorry for them, this has be thrust onto them so unexpectedly.
Yep, I have to keep things interesting somehow, right? I mean 3 on 1 just isn't that great, but 3 on 2 where one of the 3 isn't used to his powers? Makes things a bit more interesting.
And the whole bathroom conversation... lol... angels, it's either being all smitey and intimidating or amusingly dense about human's way...
Yeah, I know, the opportunity for amusingly dense stuff is just so great. There will be more of that as I couldn't resist writing a few more scenes already, but they can't happen until something else major does. Something I don't think most people have seen coming yet!
*Squishes you happily*
*squishes you back*
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