Title: Unexpected Destinies Rating: PG-13 Spoilers: up to and including Exile on Main St., AU from the end of season 5 Warnings: AU, slash Word Count: 2,480 Summary: What dreams may come... and reveal to us.
"No, of course not!" Michael replied, indignant. "Angels are not supposed to interfere with souls in their resting place."
"Are you saying you would have left Sam and me there?"
"No, you were both needed on Earth, but that does not justify this monstrosity!"
I just love the fact that Michael is pissed off at what Zach did to Dean because that was truly horrible!
"So, basically, I can do something else humans shouldn't be able to."
"Yes," Michael confirmed, looking up from the sword, perturbed.
"Say, you or one your brothers didn't happen to stand over my crib and bleed into my mouth when I was a baby, did you?"
"Excuse me?"
"It is how his brother was first exposed to demon blood," Castiel explained before looking back at him. "No, Dean, nothing like that happened."
"Then how do you explain all of these freaky abilities?"
"They are not freaky, but rather a blessing."
"Potato, potahto, tomato, tomahto." Both angels looked at him in confusion and Dean sighed. "Never mind."
"I have said it before, but you are not what you seem, Dean Winchester," Michael stated, handing him back the sword without a moment's hesitation and Dean took it as yet another small step forwards. "Exactly what Father had in mind when he created you I do not yet know, but I am looking forward to discovering it."
So much yes to this! The fact that Dean killed an angel was such a HUGE deal and yet it sadly dropped. I mean between that and the Whore of Babylon, you would have thought they were going somewhere awesome but sadly Dean was dropped for Sam. Again.
I am so glad that Castiel and Michael explained this him because otherwise he might never how known how awesome he truly is.
Well, I figure that Zachariah himself admitted to being petty, then God stepped in via Joshua after doing nothing forever, and there was no way that scene would help make Dean say yes. If anything, it would just make him more firm in the refusal. I know. Although I'm happy the show didn't get dropped, sometimes I wish it had ended with season 5 as I really, really, really want to know what Kripe's original ending was. I'm sure it had something big with Dean as they'd been building up to it for two seasons!
"You didn't know," Dean realized with surprise.
"No, of course not!" Michael replied, indignant. "Angels are not supposed to interfere with souls in their resting place."
"Are you saying you would have left Sam and me there?"
"No, you were both needed on Earth, but that does not justify this monstrosity!"
I just love the fact that Michael is pissed off at what Zach did to Dean because that was truly horrible!
"So, basically, I can do something else humans shouldn't be able to."
"Yes," Michael confirmed, looking up from the sword, perturbed.
"Say, you or one your brothers didn't happen to stand over my crib and bleed into my mouth when I was a baby, did you?"
"Excuse me?"
"It is how his brother was first exposed to demon blood," Castiel explained before looking back at him. "No, Dean, nothing like that happened."
"Then how do you explain all of these freaky abilities?"
"They are not freaky, but rather a blessing."
"Potato, potahto, tomato, tomahto." Both angels looked at him in confusion and Dean sighed. "Never mind."
"I have said it before, but you are not what you seem, Dean Winchester," Michael stated, handing him back the sword without a moment's hesitation and Dean took it as yet another small step forwards. "Exactly what Father had in mind when he created you I do not yet know, but I am looking forward to discovering it."
So much yes to this! The fact that Dean killed an angel was such a HUGE deal and yet it sadly dropped. I mean between that and the Whore of Babylon, you would have thought they were going somewhere awesome but sadly Dean was dropped for Sam. Again.
I am so glad that Castiel and Michael explained this him because otherwise he might never how known how awesome he truly is.
I really wished they'd reveal Dean's special abilities during S6 - would make for an awesome by-story!
I know. Although I'm happy the show didn't get dropped, sometimes I wish it had ended with season 5 as I really, really, really want to know what Kripe's original ending was. I'm sure it had something big with Dean as they'd been building up to it for two seasons!
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