Title: Unexpected Destinies Rating: PG-13 Spoilers: up to and including Exile on Main St., AU from the end of season 5 Warnings: AU, slash Word Count: 3,072 Summary: Michael's point of view.
You know I liked Hammer of the Gods but the fact that Lucifer was able to beat the Gods so easily was kind of a pet peeve of mine. That and the fact that all ate human flesh. I mean really?
I am glad to see that Michael took Dean's advice to heart even if it annoys him. Maybe he can learn something after all.
In retrospect, Dean thought that he really shouldn't have hesitated to show them the DVD. The twin looks of horror and disbelief on Michael and Raphael's faces were priceless whereas Castiel's curious little head tilt made him wonder what exactly was going through his lover's mind. Maybe he was glad to know that he wasn't the first angel to have enjoyed sex so much, or maybe Gabriel's performance was giving him ideas. Although he had no interest in watching the former Trickster doing that, Casa Erotica 13 was one of his favorites and it did have some interesting positions in it, even if Mikey and Raph seemed completely unable to appreciate that particular fact.LMAO! Well, he did try to warn them. And I loved while Mike and
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Yeah, well, the Apocalypse wouldn't be as scary as they want it to be if other gods could come close to even presenting Lucy with a challenge. The last bit really was too much though. He is an archangel, so not stupid in the least, bit hard headed though :D He really did, perhaps next time they'll listen to him?
Comments 25
And now I'm laughing my ass off imagining Michael and Raphael staring at Casa Erotica 13 - Gabriel Edition is utter shock. XD
I want Gabriel to live, oh I was so sad when he died ;_;
Hee hee, that came out of nowhere once more. It was too good to pass up.
I am glad to see that Michael took Dean's advice to heart even if it annoys him. Maybe he can learn something after all.
In retrospect, Dean thought that he really shouldn't have hesitated to show them the DVD. The twin looks of horror and disbelief on Michael and Raphael's faces were priceless whereas Castiel's curious little head tilt made him wonder what exactly was going through his lover's mind. Maybe he was glad to know that he wasn't the first angel to have enjoyed sex so much, or maybe Gabriel's performance was giving him ideas. Although he had no interest in watching the former Trickster doing that, Casa Erotica 13 was one of his favorites and it did have some interesting positions in it, even if Mikey and Raph seemed completely unable to appreciate that particular fact.LMAO! Well, he did try to warn them. And I loved while Mike and ( ... )
He is an archangel, so not stupid in the least, bit hard headed though :D
He really did, perhaps next time they'll listen to him?
*thumbs up* Gabriel porno. Win every time.
Imagining the looks on Michael's and Raphael's faces?
Oh yeah. It was too good an opportunity to pass up when it occured to me!
If only Gabriel didn't die... it would be one hell of a party...
The next SPN eppie airs Jan 28th, lovie...
Okay, thanks!
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