Round 5: Themes

Apr 10, 2011 21:15


01. Beginning. 02. Far Crop. 03. Fairytale. 04. Duplicated Image. 05. Book Title
06. Seasons. 07. Monochrome. 08. Stock Image. 09. Time. 10. Ending
11-15. Major Arcana
16-20. Artist's Choice

01. Beginning means a lot of things, and this theme is open to any interpretation. You can make something that features a sunrise, or it can be the very first scene of your OTP meeting. Or even "beginning" after the ending... that works too.

02. A technical theme, at least 80% of your subjects must be visible in the icon. Other than this restriction, you are free to do what you like.

03. Again, this theme is open to any interpretation. A lot of colors? Dreamy? Don't like the usual "fairytale"? Then go for a dark one!

04. You MUST duplicate your image for this icon. Both images must be visible; same crops/size aren't necessary.

05. Include any book title (animanga not accepted; preferably novels/poems) in your icon, text must be visible. Consecutive words not limited.

06. Simply pick one of your favorite seasons and incorporate it into your icon; i.e. blue for winter. You don't have to strictly follow colors though -- appropriate scenes, textures/stocks/backgrounds/text will work too.

07. Another technical theme. The icon must be in greyscale. No colours should be visible in the icon. Otherwise, anything goes!

08. Another technical theme. For this theme, you must incorporate a stock image into your icon - you can interpret this anyway you want: whether it is the sky, flowerfields, forests placed into the background; or maybe objects photoshopped into the image. Note that the "stocks" don't have to be placed as the background.

09. This is a conceptual theme; your icon must somehow convey the sense of time, whether it's past, present or future. You can use quotes such as 'Time & Again', or lyrics, or an image that represents the passing of time, or even use visual elements that suggests time (such as clock textures).

10. The opposite of theme 1. It can be a happy ending, a downfall, tragedy, etc.

11-15: Tarot: Major Arcana
For your Category Set, you have to icon the Tarot: Major Arcana! But they have 21 cards, so how the heck are we going to make them? No worries, you can simply pick five out of 21.
Before you freak out, here's the list of the Arcana: Link 1 & Link 2 & Link 3 (added)
Check out their meaning, and pick 5 that you think will best depict the situation/relationship your OTP's in. For example: XIX SUN; you can choose any moment of your OTP that falls under The SUN's descriptions: Fun, warmth, love, positivity, vitality. You can also enhance the SUN's elements by adding complementary colors (yellow? orange?). Note that I'm merely throwing the short explanation here -- you can check the second and third link for more info. Feel free to google for more descriptive Tarot Meaning if you think the ones I provided above don't suffice.

ALSO, please remember to INCLUDE the name of the arcana above each of your icon! (No, not IN your icon, but above your icon. Maybe putting it in the icon table, beside the icon number.)
Another note: you must pick FIVE DIFFERENT Major Arcana.

16-20: Feel free to icon anything you like! :)

Yes, with this, Round 5 has begun! Have fun everyone! Be creative and don't hesitate to ask if you have questions!
NOW LJ should stop being so retarded.

Deadline: April 30th.

round 5, !themes

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