Round 4 Voting - Tiebreakers

Apr 06, 2011 22:29

EDIT: Had to get rid of polls, everything went haywire (it worked when I tested it on my account! D:) and I'm too LJ-inept to fix it so can everyone please vote via comments? Just write "1" or "2" depending on which icon you prefer. Vote for only ONE icon, don't vote for yourself, vote for what you think is the best icon not because it's your friend's or you OTP etc etc...same rules as usual.

All comments are screened.


Hello again and sorry we've been a bit late. (Forgive us because we love you?) Doesn't life always get in the way? XD It doesn't help that LJ has been hacked or something. :(

Anyways, we have a few tie breakers again (less than I anticipated though - thank you, you've made life easier! XD) so here goes. We'll keep this open until we have a very clear winner and we'll post the winners as soon as possible after that.

The tiebreaks are for:
- Category set, favourite individual icon 2nd place.
- Artist's Choice set, favourite individual icon 2nd place.
- Special Category "Most Creative"

*Number is ABOVE icon*

Category Icon, 2nd Place


Artist's Choice Icon 2nd Place


Special Category "Most Creative"


I hope everything works well, LJ has had issues lately. :/

!tiebreaker, round 4

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