Round 4Themes

Mar 05, 2011 15:17


1-10: For the first ten icons, you'll have these themes:
1. Innocence. 2. Sky. 3. Filters. 4. Collage. 5. Angst.
6. Dark. 7. Cuss Words (humorously, of course :p). 8. Sepia. 9. Roadway 10. Journey
11-15: Your special category set (which consists of 5 icons) will be:

(by 99mockingbirds)

YES A TEXTURE. Use it in 5 different ways in all 5 of your icons.

Click the texture for the large version
16-20: Artist's Choice.


01: Innocence: It's a general theme. Use it as you will. A beautiful moment, a tender moment a laughing moment etc.
02: Sky: You must somehow (texture or otherwise) portray the sky in your icon.
03: Filters: We thought this might be an interesting theme. Most of us use photoshop with a myriad of filters (even though we mostly end up using half tone) so we want to see how you all use your creativity with these filters. Of course those of you who do not use photoshop, there are always textures.
04: Collage: Use different moments of your OTP (or your couples if you've picked generic) to make a collage icons XD
05: ANGST: Yummmm~ I can see Fee keening in happiness. It's self-explanatory, is it not? :p
06: Dark: (in this case you can interpret the theme as "night" too). Dark icons, dark moment, dark palettes...take your pick.
07: "Cuss words": Hmm we had "humour" already but a theme without the possibility of funny is just too...meh. So use text, expression etc to covey  this theme.
08. Sepia. Your icon has to use the "sepia" tone. We'd like your icon display this kind of colouring. It's up to you if you want this all over your iconed subject or if you sepia tone just a smidgen of it. As long as it's visible.
09: Roadway: YES THE FONT. Aentee and I were discussing how roadway is like the uofficial font of ot20in20 and when Kitty suggested "font" as a theme, I had to plead "roadway". You must use this font in your icon. Visibly.
10. Journey: Another general theme. There's a very broad interpretation of the word "journey". Use what you think is fit. eg. The passage of time, the happiest moment of your OTP, text, etc.

round 4, !themes

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