otp20in20 needs your suggestions~

Nov 28, 2010 22:50

Hello watchers and members :D

We got off to a great start with the sign up - in fact the number is a bit overwhelming, we already have 26 sign ups: that's 520 icons in the voting posts! For practical reasons (i.e., the massive voting posts), we are thinking to close the sign up once we hit 35 and begin the round then. However, to maintain some semblance of democracy we have a poll up just to see what you guys think of all this.

Note that if the round does start on the 5th of December as previously planned, the round should technically close on the 25th... which is as you all know, Christmas Day. So the second part of the poll is to garner whether people are able to post on this day or not, or if you guys would like a 5 days extension, so you can celebrate your holiday without worries of deadline.

The third part is less important, but the funnest part of the comm (well, in my mind XD) - so I'd welcome suggestions to that!

Poll Round 1 Schedule

EDIT: Themes and suggestion post is HERE, please go spam it with your ideas ♥~!

Why yes, this is all just a ploy to get you to do our thinking for us :D♥~

Thank you all the participants in both the poll and the sign up. We lovessss you ♥♥

!modpost, !poll

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