THEMES, THEMES we have themes!~

Jan 06, 2011 19:25

thank you strawberries_85  for the sexy banner <3



Seeing as we are already behind schedule, strawberries_85 and I thought "to hell with waiting" and here we are. Fresh from the oven your themes are:

1. OTP Quotes. 2. Close-Ups. 3. Symbols. 4. Two Colors. 5. Serendipity.
6. Stripes. 7. Sin. 8. Humor. 9. Third Party. 10. Splash of Colour.

11-15: Left, Right, Up, Down, Centre.

16-20: Artist's Choice.

*OTP quotes: This is fairly obvious. Just use your OTPs defining quote or your favorite quote regarding your OTP.
*Close-Ups: Basically a very close crop (faces, hands) of the subjects of your icon. Close up indicates that maximum details of your cropped subject are available. 
* Symbols: Any symbols you associate with your OTP. This could be an image of a symbol or you could include the symbol as text.
*Two Colors: Your icons should have two very dominant colors and no or very little other colors.
* Serendipity: This is broad theme. IMO you can interpret as a meeting of destiny or a meeting of chance or a glance across far off distances...well okay that's how I would interpret it. XD But have fun with it.
*Stripes: This is simple. We want visible stripes in your icon. How you interpret and use this theme is up to you. Background, subject etc.
*Sin: Use any or all of the seven deadly sins in your icon.
*Humor: Not all OTPs are humorous. But we want to see your creativity with this theme. This could be an addition of funny text in your icon, funny moment your ships have encountered etc.
*Third Party: Someone other than the the characters of your ship who is directly affecting your ship.This could be a rival or a brother etc etc.
*Splash of Colour: Black and white with only one or two colours.

11-15: We want to see your subjects in all the named positions in each of your icon of the set. Eg: Top by 

Alert: Now that the themes have been posted, no more claim changes. Time's up, get to working, my lovelies.

If you'd like to share any ideas for themes that you had, don't hesitate to post your opinions here! We are still a new comm, eager for new ideas and trendy opinions.

EDIT (for the fifth time or so): READ THE UPDATED RULES

Best of luck to everyone!

Don't hesitate to ask any questions. I have unscreened all the comments because we like the look of spam XD

round 2, !themes

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