
Sep 08, 2011 09:25

So last night I went to the British Ambassador's house for the Annual Reception for the DC Alums of WM.  I had a fantastic time even though I was rather dreading the going there alone part - funny thing, champagne makes talking to strangers quite easy.  XD  But I met the British Ambassador and his wife along with the Taylor Reveley and the new Director of the Alumni Board.  Ambassador Sheinwald was really quite amiable and funny.  There were in fact American Revolution jokes and several mentions of the Special Relationship.

I think the whole thing pretty much just reconfirmed that William and Mary is THE most British school in the whole USA.  I mean, we have the Queen's Guard at our football games, red uniforms and beefeaters and all!  We had the Queen of England visit our campus and we got a heck of a lot closer look than most people in the UK.  But apparently, we're the only school that got its charter directly from the British monarchy as opposed to royal governors.  ...Plus we do have this whole annual gig at the British Ambassador's place, so I mean really.  We totally beat Harvard on that.  XD  (Though as I understand it - Massachusetts is very proud of having been a complete pain in the Brit's backside, so what can you do?)

I think I got a bit too silly with the champagne because I was seriously considering asking Ambassador Sheinwald what Boxing Day was actually all about.  And the hors-d'ouevres were fantastic, oh my gawd~

I think my two favorite moments from the evening was 1) needing to explain and spell out my last name (Potter) to the British security and watching her blush, and 2) Ambassador Sheinwald's look of utter confusion at the whole room's excited gasps at the raffle of a gift basket from The Cheese Shop.  XDD

harry potter, xd

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