Feb 25, 2007 23:58
So...once again I am an alien.
Apparently in the US when someone asks if they're annoying you and they are...you tell them the truth. wtf? That's so rude! And mindboggling.
Well, okay, here's the context in my mind - it's a stranger who's trying to be friendly, but is doing it in an annoying way so you evade like heck. Later he asks if he annoys you. What are you supposed to say? That he does? Even not answering's an answer. It's not in me to say "yes, you annoy me - don't inquire about my life story" so instead I resort to attempting more subtle clues, which unfortunately must have prompted the question in the first place. I fear this bodes great trouble for me in the future.
I blame my mother and living in Asia.