►more mod stuff wooo

Aug 03, 2010 11:28

I'm going to make a list for everyone because I've got a few things to say so this will just be easier:

► FIRST, there will be a Night Post tonight, probably around 7 or 8pm (EST). If you guys want, I can make little announcements in the OOC comm so you all know when night posts will be, otherwise I'll just put them up whenever I want to.

► SECOND, I cleaned out the reserves page. A lot of you guys reserved and app'd already, so I took them down.

► THIRD, I'm not going to be around next week. I KNOW THIS SEEMS SUDDEN, but I have someone who (I hope) will take over watching the reserves page and applications, as well as making 2 or 3 night posts. I'll put up more details on this later on Thursday or Friday when I know everything is sorted out I just wanted to warn you guys.

► FOURTH, I want you guys opinions on this - should I make a contact post? This way there will be an easy place for everyone to find each other etc etc. Your call.

aaaaaaand that's all she wrote.

!mod talk forever

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