So, the other night I started developing symptoms of an ear infection. Rae guessed my cold had migrated into my ear. I had a feeling she was spot on, so I went to the hospital last night. (I still don't have a doctor.) Despite Dad's bitching about long waits and how it wouldn't amount to nothing, it took me about 10 minutes to be diagnosed with a middle ear infection. It was for the exact reasons Rae said. Doctor offered me an antibiotic, zyrtec, and ear drops for pain. I turned down the drops since they usually worsen my ear infection, and filled the other prescriptions.
Fastforward to this morning. My ear was aching so bad that I was whimpering like a total wuss. I had a bunch of pain meds in me, was alternating between an ice pack and a heating pad. Nothing was working. Dad took initiative on his own, called the hospital and got the ear drops. While the pain isn't completely relieved, they did help a lot. I'm not crying like a whiny baby anymore, thank god.
Suffice to say, though... I haven't been able to sleep. I'm hoping my ear feels better within the next twelve hours, or else... uh... well, it'd suck, simply. I can go for a day or two without sleep, but I turn into a royal bitch, and I'm totally useless after the first 24 hours.
Anyway, so I've spent my time watching crappy shows. I was out of it enough to watch Lifetime Movie Network and DisneyXD....
The Lifetime movie was, uh, odd. Stereotypes not only toward men, but toward relationships in general. o_O Also, it's totally okay to bitchslap your woman if she cheats...? Yeah, I don't know. @_@ This is why we don't watch Lifetime. Dad was so surprised to find me watching it, he was like, "You. Lifetime. Seriously? We need to put this on the calendar. You must REALLY be sick."
And then I watched The Suite Life on Deck, which... sucked balls, as expected. I've never actually watched a full episode of this crap. I like the original series when it began, as it was comical and the boys were adorable. Now it's just stupid, overdone slapstick, annoying teenage situations that every tween sitcom has done 239048029483 times and... did I mention that Dylan and Cole really seem very awkward as teens? Their crappy acting has become more apparent, methinks.
Oh, and the one I watched was the pilot. All I saw of it was Bailey masquerading as a male and failing miserably. She signed up as a male 'cause there were no available female spots, and her tactic for escaping detection was... wearing baggy clothes and hiding her waist-long hair in a cap. Yep. She KNEW her hair was a dead giveaway, but she didn't cut it? And she didn't try to say... constrict her breasts? It was completely obvious she was female. I know it's just a kid's show, but wtf, put some effort into it, kid.
And there were a lot of gay jokes, since one of the boys became attracted to her in the episode. I actually find it funny that tweens - the primary agegroup of these shows - are not mature enough for "heavy" subjects like functional homosexual relationships, which actually do exist in society, but homosexual jokes are totally acceptable.
... Seriously, it's sad that our kids are mature enough to learn hate, but not enough to learn acceptance. What the fuck is wrong with this world?
It's hard to swallow. Is that a bad sign? Aaaagh.