Deadline / Tagging

Aug 11, 2010 13:04

Hi Guys! Yesterday was August 10th, so officially the deadline to have your fics in! As such, we mods'll be compiling a masterlist as soon as we can, and posting for your reading enjoyment. :)

That said, if you don't have your fics in, don't panic! Please just get them in as soon as you can (but don't stress. If you haven't noticed, we mods haven't even submitted all our fics... so no pots calling kettles black, here ^^). If you think you'll have your fic in within the next week, just go ahead and post when it's finished! If you think it's going to take longer than that, please leave us a comment so we know to expect it later!

All fics will be added to the masterlist, and every few weeks the masterlist will be reposted to the top of the comm with new entries.

Additionally, all fics already posted have been tagged by author, pairing, rating and misc: crossover (when applicable). If you see any errors in your tag, please comment here and a mod will fix it.

Any other comments/questions/etc, comment here!


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