(no subject)

Feb 12, 2023 09:39

Вдруг наткнулся на запись 7-го Бранденбургского концерта И.С. Баха. Как же так, я ведь знаю, что Бах написал всего 6 Бранденбургских концертов. Оказывается вот что:

Bach arrangements

In 2011, shortly after Haynes' death, a compact disc was released by the Montréal Baroque conducted by Eric Milnes with six "New Brandenburg concertos Nos. 7-12" by Johann Sebastian Bach. Bruce Haynes had arranged Bach cantata movements into concertos in the same manner as Bach used to rework his own compositions. "These concertos are not meant as serious reconstructions", Haynes wrote in the cd-booklet, "merely as speculative trials to demonstrate the possibilities for instrumental treatment of Bach's rich fund of musical inventions contained in the cantatas and other vocal works".

Век живи, век учись.


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