Последняя передача Жени Альбац на «Эхе» заставила снова задуматься над «текущим моментом». Больно уж момент выдался тревожный и маловразумительный. «В воздухе пахнет грозой». Источник запаха сидит за кремлевской стеной, фигурально говоря. И издаваемый миазм все сильнее и сильнее
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За нарушение Минских соглашений на путинский режим наложены американские санкции, и он не получит никаких поблажек, пока сам не начнёт выполнять эти соглашения. Бряцание оружием привело единственно к тому, что Байден внятно объяснил Путину, какие санкции последуют в ответ на новую агрессию.
Интервью госсекретаря Блинкена:
SECRETARY BLINKEN: Russia and Ukraine agreed many years ago to something called the Minsk agreements, a way of defusing the crisis in eastern Ukraine, giving Ukraine its border back. And what we’d like to see now is actually Russia implementing its commitments under that agreement. We’re going to test that proposition together with our European allies and partners and see how Russia responds.
QUESTION: But the fact that he is able to amass troops at the border, get a video conference - and now, by the way, Vladimir Putin wants a face-to-face meeting. I’m curious: Is that at all on the table?
SECRETARY BLINKEN: Look, the video conference is important because as much as I can do with my counterpart, as much as other colleagues in the government can do with theirs, when it comes to Russia, President Putin is the one person that that really counts. And it’s very important for President Biden to speak directly, clearly to him so that he understands from the leader of the United States exactly what he risks if he pursues aggression with Ukraine.
QUESTION: Okay. But what about - what would it take for you to agree, for President Biden to agree, to a in-person, face-to-face with Vladimir Putin? Does he have to pull his troops back from the border before that happens?
SECRETARY BLINKEN: What we are looking to see from Russia - and again, not just us, but allies and partners in Europe are looking - we’re looking to see de-escalation, we’re looking to see Russia pull back forces from the border, and we’re looking to see Russia engage in good faith in diplomacy, in diplomatic dialogue with the Europeans, with Ukraine, to resolve the conflict in eastern Ukraine, and to give Ukraine its borders back. That’s what we’re looking to see.
QUESTION: I don’t mean to sound cynical here, but we’ve heard that rhetoric for seven years through three administrations, and it just - Putin’s behavior just hasn’t changed.
SECRETARY BLINKEN: Well, what we’ve seen in recent weeks and recent months is concerning signs of an accumulation of forces on the border, plans to commit renewed aggression against Ukraine, which is exactly why we brought countries around the world but starting in Europe together to make it very clear that there’ll be very severe consequences for that.
President Putin has to make his calculations. He has to decide ultimately what’s in Russia’s interests. He’ll make those calculations. We’ve been very clear about what will follow if he renews his aggression on Ukraine.
Блинкен на заседании ОБСЕ в начале декабря:
"Sergey was talking about implementing Minsk. We fully agree. But let’s also base that on the facts. There are a series of commitments that both parties made under Minsk with the OSCE involved as well: ceasefire unimplemented by Russia, withdrawal of all heavy weapons unimplemented by Russia, allowing OSCE monitoring unimplemented by Russia, pass special status law implemented by Ukraine, pass amnesty law in progress, all-for-all political prisoner exchange unimplemented by Russia, ensure delivery of humanitarian assistance based on an international mechanism unimplemented by Russia, restoration of socioeconomic ties unimplemented by Russia. I could go on. I think you get the point. It takes two to tango, and if - if our Russian friends are prepared to implement their commitments under Minsk and our Ukrainian friends are as well, we will fully support that, and that is the best way to avert a renewed crisis in Ukraine."
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