
Nov 08, 2021 13:30

I'm Helping to Start a New College Because Higher Ed Is Broken

Institutions dedicated to the search for truth have ossified into havens for liberal intolerance and administrative overreach ( Read more... )

о времена, америка

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tijd November 9 2021, 17:17:28 UTC
Смешно действительно.

В ноябре 2020, объясняя, почему он переехал из Калифорнии в Техас, Лонсдейл писал: “The wildfire smoke that has blanketed California cities is one thing. But power outages, which left us stressed about spoiling breast milk for our daughter, are the direct result of California government incompetence. <…> Meanwhile, Texas has its own energy grid, with a plentiful and diverse supply. It’s nice to turn on the lights whenever we want.”

Через пару месяцев в Техасе из-за неадекватной электросети произошёл массовый “blackout”.

The storms caused a massive electricity generation failure in the state of Texas, leading to shortages of water, food, and heat. More than 4.5 million homes and businesses were left without power, some for several days. At least 210 people were killed directly or indirectly, with some estimates as high as 702 killed as a result of the crisis.
State officials including governor Greg Abbott initially blamed the outages on frozen wind turbines and solar panels. However, it was later discovered that inadequately winterized natural gas equipment contributed to the grid failure as well. In 2002, Texas had isolated its power grid from the two major national grids in a successful effort to reduce power costs in the state and deregulate its energy sector. This disconnection made it difficult for the state to import electricity from other states during the crisis.
The crisis drew much attention to the state's lack of preparedness for such storms, and to a report from U.S. Federal regulators ten years earlier that had warned Texas its power plants would fail in sufficiently cold conditions. Damages due to the cold wave and winter storm were estimated to be at least $195 billion. According to the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), the Texas power grid was "seconds or minutes away from" complete failure when partial grid shutdowns were implemented.


otkaznik November 9 2021, 17:32:59 UTC
Боюсь, причины нашей веселости сильно разные. Я бы сказал противоположные. Но объяснять не буду. Сами догадайтесь.


tijd November 9 2021, 22:34:00 UTC
Да, чувство юмора зависит от мировоззрения.

Для борьбы с засильем либерализма University of Texas at Austin (не путать с новым University of Austin) создает Liberty Institute, think-tank по образцу Hoover Institute в Стэнфорде.

The University of Austin announcement comes at the same time that University of Texas at Austin leaders have been working with private donors and Republican Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick to launch a new think tank on that school’s campus that would be “dedicated to the study and teaching of individual liberty, limited government, private enterprise and free markets.” Texas legislators already approved an initial $6 million in funding for the Liberty Institute. UT-Austin officials have also committed $6 million.
Emails obtained through an open records request by the Tribune show at least one member of the University of Austin’s advisory team has connected with UT-Austin President Jay Hartzell.
According to the emails, Hartzell had lunch earlier this year with Lonsdale, the Austin-based tech investor. In February, Hartzell connected Lonsdale via email with Carlos Carvalho, the professor at UT-Austin who was leading the work on that school’s Liberty Institute.
“Joe is interested and actively working in many of the same areas you are - bringing data to policy questions, supporting free markets and capitalism, etc,” Hartzell told Carvalho. In the same email he told Lonsdale about UT-Austin’s planned think tank.
“We’re working together on a campus-wide initiative that could amplify many of the same themes in a broader, cross-campus way - with a working title of the ‘Liberty Institute.’”

Между тем в Стэнфорде идут споры о роли Гуверовского институте на фоне превращения его сотрудников в трамповских клоунов. Это включает автора статьи, на которую вы ссылаетесь.

Юмор ситуации заключается в том, что люди, которые изо всех сил пытаются заткнуть другим рот, выставляют себя борцами за свободу слова.

Из отчета совета профессоров Стэнфорда (Faculty Council):

There’s actually an irony here, in that it is far from clear that all members of the Hoover have themselves been staunch defenders of intellectual diversity and free speech.
We’ve already seen Hoover fellow Mark Moyar calling for politicians to, quote, “remove” the 1619 Project. That is not a call for freedom of speech.
But it’s worse than that. In 2018, Hoover fellow Niall Ferguson conspired with College Republicans to conduct ‘opposition research’ on a Stanford undergraduate, this undergraduate being a progressive activist.
A leaked email from Ferguson speaks of “unit[ing] against the SJWs,” “intimidat[ing] them,” and “grinding them down on the [Cardinal Conversations] committee.”
When questioned about it, Ferguson said, astonishingly, that he was doing it in the name of free speech.


otkaznik November 9 2021, 22:56:44 UTC
Ирония в том, что и в 16-м и в 20-м гг я не задумываясь голосовал против Трампа. В следующий раз буду долго думать.


tijd November 10 2021, 00:06:17 UTC
Идеология Питера Тиля (которую разделяет его протеже Джо Лонсдейл) заключается в том, что от конкуренции один вред. Его совет предпринимателям - монополизировать рынок и тем самым избегать конкуренции, подобно тому, как это делает компания Palantir: "First, you want to find, create, or discover a new market. Second, you monopolize that market. Then you figure out how to expand that monopoly over time."

Кандидат в сенаторы, который проводит фандрейзинг в Мар-о-лаго - сооавтор книжки Тиля, в которой утверждается "Competition is for losers" и "Monopoly is the condition of every successful business".

He described himself ideologically as “an America first conservative,” using the phrase that Trump popularized with much of the GOP base.
Trump’s endorsement, if he gives one, will be an influential and potentially decisive factor in the Republican primary.
Masters said he supports the ongoing review of ballots in Maricopa County being conducted on behalf of legislative Republicans, led by a Trump supporter who promoted the former president’s unfounded election conspiracy theories.
Asked whether he believes Democratic President Joe Biden was the legitimate winner of the 2020 election, Masters deflected.

Поэтому после того, как переизберем Трампа, о следующих выборах можно будет уже не задумываться.


otkaznik November 10 2021, 00:11:05 UTC
Приберегите пугалки для кого-нибудь еще. Я давно живу на свете и пугаюсь все реже.


tijd November 10 2021, 01:28:36 UTC
Пугаться действительно не стоит. Наше будущее состоит из разных сценариев, по разным причинам какие-то из них не осуществляются.

Сценарий, о котором автор статьи в посте писал в 2016 после первых выборов Трампа, не осуществился, потому что во Франции внезапно всплывший Макрон сорвал планы Мари Ле Пен и ее друзей.

Ferguson advised that Trump should give recognition to Russia as a Great Power, and work with President Vladimir Putin by giving Russia a sphere of influence in Eurasia. In the same column, Ferguson advised Trump not to engage in a trade war with China, and work with President Xi Jinping to create a US-Chinese partnership. Ferguson argued that Trump and Putin should work for the victory of Marine Le Pen (who wants France to leave the EU) and the Front national in the 2017 French elections, arguing that Le Pen was the French politician most congenial to the Trump administration. Ferguson argued that a quintumvirate of Trump, Putin, Xi, May and Le Pen was the world's best hope for peace and prosperity.

Сценарий монополизации власти после возвращения Трампа, наученного на ошибках января 2021 - один из вероятных, но заранее ничего не предопределено.


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