Apr 20, 2005 18:14
well....the last few days have been anything but easy...so im sure you have noticed i have been quite off, pretty weird or crazy acting, well sorry i have just been dealing with a lot in the past couple days, identity theft for one thing which is definately not something i need to be dealing with around the time of finals and registration, i will spare you all the details of the past few days because i dont want to go and rant on you guys...so yeah i pretty much cracked last night and it was prolly the worst i have had all year so that was really not good, so yeah things just arent going well we will just put it that way. not really sure what started it all but the identity theft and the massive massive amounts of money that i dont have being spent could have added to it, so now i have to file a claim and charges and what not, it is a real pain in the ass especially now, and they just spent so much money UGH so now i have pretty much negative negative negative money right now, so no Guster concert for me on friday....which really sucks because i was kinda looking forward to going with lauren and hanging out with her but things just dont always work out the way you want them to. anyhow got home from school today and still felt below crappy and i just promised myself i wouldnt break down this time, so i basically went on a cleaning frenzie, haha i pretty much packed up my whole entire room, which was not the smartest considering i still have to live here for another 2 weeks. but yeah anyhow thats me right now....im a mess....sorry for complaining but everyone has to do it....havent gotten much sleep in the past couple nights either so i am feeling really sick. well enough of this sad woe is me shit.....hope you are all have a good week, cannot wait to come home and spend the summer with most of you especially you benny baby!!! love you all bunches!!!