Head in the clouds, dead homeless people

Oct 10, 2006 11:09

Yesterday, walking on the street, I almost bumped into a blind man. I saw him and his cane one split second before we crashed. How ridiculous is that??? It wouldn't have surprised me if he had sensed me before I had seen him.

That tells you something about me.

About 2 weeks ago I missed something else in my distraction: a dead body. Hubby and I were walking (same street), and saw 2 police cars ahead, parket in front of an abandoned grocery store. I said "Let's cross the street; I don't want to be shot by accident or wind up as someone's hostage." But he was too curious so we went straight. The cops were standing in the covered front "lobby"/entrance, in the middle of lots of junk: a half-eaten sandwich, an old paperback novel, a large yellow plastic "blanket", old dirty blankets, regular trash that one would find in a kitchen garbage. Obviously some homeless person had been "camping" there. We kept walking, and I started making inocuous comments about the book and all that junk. Finally my husband said "Why are you acting like that??? Are you psycho?" I blinked. Huh? There was a dead body in there, that I didn't see at all!!! My husband saw a really dirty feet sticking out from beneath the yellow plastic thing - I still can't believe I didn't see that.

I felt so bad for that person. Dying all alone, laying around garbage, facing the street. God knows how long it took somebody to figure out that he was dead. I mean - when you see a homeless guy laying motionless, you just assume he is sleeping, right?

Creepier than that: only a few days later, and another homeless person made that roof his home.

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