Feb 24, 2004 21:21
im going to reply to the comments made to my previous post here.
theendbegins: already added ppl to friends list, and i dont care to much about politics
kickazzthug: um.. yes
pkmaniac1: yeah i have a journal too im not too active in it (As you can tell) though
kickazzthug: that hurts
meenalives: yeah my posts are long, even though im not much of a talker, i cant stop typing.
its been over a week since my last post, and i have no idea whats happen since then. lets see. i had to turn in my papers for my engr 112 class over the presentations i saw the week before, i knew they werent going to read them, so i conducted an experiment, i put i quote in each paper that had nothing to do with the paper, like in one of them i put "always behave like a duck; be calm and cool on the surface, but paddle like the devil underneath." well i got my papers back to day, and no marks, i was correct, they didnt read them. thursday i took my cal 2 exam, it wasnt bad, but my nose was running like a bi.. eh very badly, so like every 2 seconds i was sniffing, after awhile i could just feel the ppl around me getting irrated, so even though i had skipped two multichoice probs, i just guessed at them and i left. unfortunately the multichoice probs are 5 pts each, so im starting at a 90 since i never guess correctly. i got my other two tests back, i got a 90 on my chem, but i got a C on my physics, i did get raped on it, but eve though i got a 56 on it thats still in the C range. friday and saturday were golf days, im using a different swing now, so saturday and sunday i was really sore. since ive been addicted to generals lately, i got a friend addicted, and kinda tovy also, the three of us LANed together and played generals until 3 am saturday night. sunday i didnt wake up til 12, i think isat around most of that day. um. yesturday, monday, nothing new happened. today i went to the rec center here and worked out, i was proud of myself, since the rec was one of the reasons a came to this school (it is awsome) and i hadnt been there since classes started in august. well that was fun, this evening was an aiaa (american institute of astronautics and aeronautics, somethign like that) meeting, and the speaker today was from nasa, and he presented on the indepth investigation of the columbia accident. it was very interesting, very. well its time for the daily show. later