I apologise in advance, because one of these is in German. If you want a rough translation, ask. If you don't, I have slightly more respect for you, since it's bleedingly obvious.
- Take four books off your bookshelf.
- Write the first sentence
- Write the last sentence on page fifty
- Write the second sentence on page one hundred
- Write the next to the last sentence on page one hundred fifty
- Write the final sentence of the book
- Let your friends guess what book it is.
ormery, I am making that 15-30-45 for one of them, since it's a graphic novel.
- "Wait! We've been a team now for how long?"
- Satellite signal is corrupted, please try again.
- "MADNESS!! No! We stand and fight!"
- "Oh my god."
- "We need to talk..."
- Im unruhigen Seegang hob und senkte sich das vom Blut der Kaempfenden glaenzende Deck des franzoesischen Schiffes in Besorgnis erregendem Masse.
- "Er ist zu weit von den Tauen weg," sagte Temeraire, "Ich werde ihn holen."
- Als er sich ihrer wahren Freundschaft bewusst werde, loeste sich die Traurigkeit ein wenig, und es gelang ihm, den Toast auf seine uebliche Art zu erwidern.
- Schon war die fuer das Fliegerpaar nichts weiter als eine kleine Gestalt, die mit jeden Flugelschlag weiter zurueckblieb.
- Es dauerte gar nicht lange, und er glitt in den Schlaf hinueber, geborgen in der Sicherheit des langsamen, tiefen Pochens von Temeraires Herz, das ihn an den ewigen Klang des Meeres erinnerte.
BOOK THREE Killashandra by Anne McCaffrey, guessed by
aralli- Winters on Ballybran were generally mild, so the fury of the first spring storms as they howled across the land was ever unexpected.
- "Whatever could it be? Optherians don't import much."
- Would the islanders be in contact with the Ruling Elders about the terms of her ransom?
- The pillows, hammocks, what kitchen utensils there were, the rugs, curtains, everything compacted into a manageable bundle to which Lars attached the antigrav straps.
- "Right now?"
BOOK FOUR Soon I Will Be Invincible by Austin Grossman, guessed by
not_cynical- This morning on Planet Earth, there are one thousand, six hundred and eighty-six enhanced, gifted, or otherwise superpowered persons.
- Feral doesn't just dress up as a monster - the hair and teeth aren't a costume.
- It barely seems real.
- A louder chime from the Power Staff tells me I've made a mistake.
- You keep trying to take over the world.