Meme from
Not as easy as you might think. Remember: one word answers to the following 34 questions.
1. Where is your mobile phone?: Charging
2. Your significant other?: Blank.
3. Your hair?: Unbrushed.
4. Your mother?: Inspiration.
5. Your father?: Amazing.
6. Your favourite thing?: Imagination.
7. Your dream last night?: Train.
8. Your favourite drink?: Orange.
9. Your dream/goal?: Playwright.
10. The room you're in?: Untidy.
11. Your ex?: Friends.
12. Your fear?: Suspense.
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years?: Friends.
14. Where were you last night?: Kitchen.
15. What you're not?: Unhappy.
16. Muffins?: Blueberry?
17. One of your wish list items?: Muse.
18. Where you grew up?: Warrington.
19. The last thing you did?: Smiled.
20. What are you wearing?: Layers.
21. Your TV?: iPlayer.
22. Your pets?: Distant.
23. Your computer?: Faulty.
24. Your life?: Satisfying.
25. Your mood?: Quiet.
26. Missing someone?: Several.
27. Your car?: Imaginary.
28. Something you're not wearing?: PJs.
29. Favourite Store?: Whittards.
30. Your summer?: Lazy.
31. Like someone?: Several.
32. Your favourite colour?: Pink.
33. When is the last time you laughed?: Minutes.
34. Last time you cried?: Week.
In other news, have reserved Yuffie at Toujours and am once again active in
super_powers and having a blast with it. [EDIT] Yuffie's in, so aaaa new comm. I'll have to change my profile and sidebar.