I'm not going to write up any kind of report for the Midlands MCM Expo because words cannot do it justice. All I shall say is the following:
I loved
our costumes. sdfghjk. We were walking around at the very beginning, and
mrschumphy, our Death the Kid, found us and apparently nearly cried at our costumes whilst we did the same with her. I can seriously say this was my favourite costume and group since I did the 'proper colours' of Suigetsu with our Hebi squad.
Our Black Star had randomly signed us and a bunch of other motley Soul Eater cosplayers up for the Masquerade, much to everyone's confusion. So, we all met and assembled for 2:30, only to be told that Star was late and might not even make it. So obviously Liz and Maka sorted out poses and who would do what. Star finally arrived with about fifteen metres of queue to go before we were meant to go on-stage. The actual performance was amazing. I tripped slightly because my shoes were ridiculous and I was practically limping, but we did okay! And then we all got confused and milled around for ages trying to leave the stage the wrong way, but everyone was really good-natured about it and we stayed in-character for the entire mess.
Video Here]
We ended up winning Second Place overall, which was amazing. *___* We're the first official Soul Eater group of the MCM Expos. I do want to do the costumes again once our actual wigs arrive: the ones we used were last-minute things picked up cheap in the market the day before.
Some photos:
BLAAACKU STAAAR! SOOOOUL! Fighting Poses You are unsymmetrical FILTH, Patty! Oh, Kid. Get up already. (Every time someone pointed out Kid's stripes, she'd actually go into the scene leaving us to go OH WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FO- NO, KID, NO, IT'S BARELY NOTICEABLE...)
The entire group Soul and Maka *___* I loved them. And Soul had the slouch down perfectly.
Stein+Death Scythe versus Medusa ... Something's not right.