Jul 25, 2008 21:30
k so wow it's been awhile since i updated.
which i know i should do more of it's just with dial up internet it makes it very hard.
i apolgize.
but it's not like you wanna hear about my lovely boring life all the time anyway right?
god theres just so much stuff thats happened that i should have been writing about, and just did. i mean i've tried but it would never post and then i'd get all mad, it's not like i never tried,
the last time i wrote i was compline about wine and grad party and whatever and sayin how i was done school in three weeks..
so as you can proablly tell those three weeks were here and gone, i got my marks in the mail today.
i'm officially a high school graduate:) WOOT! yay me:)
my birthday is in 8 days, i'm kinda looking forward to turing 18, not sure why but i am.
ny sister and her boyfriend and their little boy gets here next week. actually this time next week and they will be here.
they live in nova socita and it sucks cause i hardly get to see dylan i mean he'll be four in febuary and besides pictures i've proablly seen him a handfull of times. i went up last summer after school ended for the FULL summer. it was amazing.
so yeah has you can tell i'm soooo excited to be seeing them.
my sister found a great guy in steven, i mean he became my best friend last summer, when all my friends was back here in newfoundland, and i mean he still kinda is my best friend. there isn't anything i can't tell this guy. i'm glad she's with him.
last summer was nova socita this summer was home next summer i'm headed to fort mac where most of the population is newfoundlanders. my brother and his girlfriend work up there and have a house so i'm going to visit them, because this time september( this september) there little one will be there. i'll love it no matter if it's a boy or a girl but i mean we've already got kyle & dylan so we needs out little girl now:). so yeah something else that i'm excited about.
my summer hasn't really been that great. i'm workin alot and all my friend are gone so i don't really get a chance to do anything besides read, work, and listen to music. which i'm quite glad about the reading thing, it's about time i got into reading again. cara's been lending my some pretty great books. i'm on my thrid one now in like 4 weeks. so i think i'm doing good. so far i've read the pact, and nineteen minutes and now i'm reading change of heart. so yeah the books are REALLLLLY good.. how's everyone elses summer?
i'm moving to st johns in september for collage, so nervous but so excited at the same time, kinda a weird feeling actually. i was supose to be living with my best friend but some stuff happened that showed me that i'm not ready to live with her yet, for the sake of our friendship. i mean we would have had each other killed in a matter of months anyways. so now i'm going to be living with my cousin, it's better for me anyways cause i don't really get to see them alot and it's someone i know i can get along with. don't get me wrong i'd love to live with my best friend but if we did live together it would be the end of our friendship. i think i'm doing the right thing by not living with her at least i hope i am.
i'd love to get into all the chris details but that would take forever and i just don't have the strength to write about that yet. there's just so much i have left to figure out about this whole thing yet. but i will say i don't understand how a guy can say he loves you and he's move heaven and earth to be with you but yet say he loves his girlfriend more then anything in the world. and just let me say i know that sound bad but its not what it seem's. he's from ontairo and i'm here in well newfoundland and i just don't see the long distance thing working but yet he's hell bent on making it happen but then he goes and gets a girlfriend from up there and is still string me along and of couse i'm stupid enough to be strung along cause i think i'm inlove with the guy. he's the sweetest guy i know and he makes me feel so amazing, he tells me all these things that a girl wants to hear like " your beauitful, i love you, we're ment to be together" but yet wants this other girl to.
wow ok maybe i did get into this whole chris thing, but thats not even the half of it. i just don't know what to do or say anymore i'm so emotionally drained and stressed out from this and the whole roomate thing.
anyways this is my update for today..and well for whenever i decides to update again
which i'm sure it will be soon.
it just feels so much better to write it all out then to talk about it sometimes.
i donno i guess i'm werid like that.
anywhoooo i'm outtie so like i said i'll try and update later.
family. books.,
marks. graduate