Title: The Many Departures of Gwen Cooper
Author: Soledad
Fandom: Torchwood
Category: Heavy-duty Gwen bashing.
Rating: General, suitable for all.
Genre: A bit of action, for this part. Plus a great deal of irony.
Series: Wishverse.
Warning: repeated character death(s) in each chapter.
Timeframe: "Random Shoes". Major spoilers - at least in theory
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Comments 12
I was a bit worried about the POV, whether it came over naturally or not. But re-watching the episode made me so pissed that I couldn't stop getting meaner and meaner.
I know what you mean, though. It's hard not to get disillusioned after CoE and the subsequent in-fighting about RTD/Ianto's pointless death/Gwen being the only (Useless) team member left on Earth. In fact, reading this has given me the urge to carry on...
Long live fanfic, right? It's always been much better than the original episode plots, not to mention the characterization. It's so easy to write Torchwood fic, since continuity is practically nonexistent, and we can pick out what we like and ignore the rest. ;)
I'm currently working on 2 different stories, set in 2 different crossover universes, plus the Wishverse, and I barely need to contradict myself. It's really cool.
You may be a secret agent or whatnot, but you aren’t immortal, you know… and neither are we!”
Hahaha, that made me break out in giggles as well!
I'd been so looking forward to you re-writing this episodes, since I figured I'd enjoy your version more than the original, and it looks like I was right XD
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