May 03, 2003 23:17
Things that have my attention currently:
1. Apparently Quorin left notice of what I did in Gondor. At this rate I should just go and propose to Alcawyn since things are going to get fucked up beyond belief anyway.
2. Gwathren keeps having nightmares. She hasn't spoken to them about me, but to Thorondir.
3. Mouth is here.
4. Thorondir has gotten more angry at me then usual. I am going to start slipping sedatives into his food.
5. Ioreth is asking very *pressing* questions about me and Thorondir. All things considered for my own safety and want to avoid pedophile comments, I'm lying like a dog.
6. Mouth is here.
7. Nothing horrible seems to be happening. I will probably die bloodily in a few minutes.
8. That fucker Mouth is here.