tweenster stars skull and crossbones

Apr 15, 2007 23:28

I saw Grindhouse last night. Overall, the movies were very good and it was time well spent. Planet Terror! was fucking insane good and I spent a lot of the time laughing out loud. The fake previews between films were hilarious as well. But Tarantino's contribution was by far the weaker of the two, and after 10 minutes I was just wishing it was over.

There were maybe a small handful of great scenes, but on the whole it just meandered about, the characters yakking away idiodically like friends in a tampon commerical while I kept waiting for them to get killed already. It's as if Tarantino thought he could take the first 6 minutes of Reservoir Dogs (dick dick dick dick dick dick dick. How many dicks is that? A lot.) and make an entire movie out of it. Only instead of talented actors, he'd have a bunch of mediocre hacks and instead of an interesting supporting story, he'd have fucking car chases that last 18 goddamn minutes and feature nothing more exciting than watching a slightly attractive middle-aged woman dangle like snot from the hood of a car while Kurt Russell bangs into it over and over from the side, laughing like an idiot. No good I say.

Anyway, I went to woodbury theater and there were a lot of tweens there (Disturbia I'm guessing). It was kind of depressing. All the the girls were very thin and wearing skin tight outfits, decked out in the height of hipster style. I guess I didn't realize how pervasive hipsterism has become. I would go so far as to say it is the organizing influence on youth culture among whiteys. It really brings home just how old / out of touch I am! Anyway, I have traditionally "had a thing" for the alt/goth look (Suicide Girls) or what have you, but after going out last night and seeing all these kids in their vulgar finery I am almost forced to change my tastes.

Anyway, as I was watching "Death Proof" there is a scene where the girl is standing outside the bar, looking at Kurt Russell's car. Behind her to the right is a great big glowing neon star. When we cut, it is a skull and crossbones on the hood of the car. Star, skull and crossbones.

As an avid Suicide Girls member, I see that star everywhere. I am convinced that every girl born after 1985 with even a passing familiarity of Death Cab for Cutie has at least at one time in her life contemplated getting a fucking star tattooed on her body. The star has become their generation's Chinese symbol. The same could be said for the skull and crossbones, but this still has some masculine flavor to it. My question is why? Why these two symbols, why now?

In other news...
It's good to posting here again, though I'm as scatter-brained as usual and can't seem to organize my thoughts well. I wanted to talk more about Grindhouse, especially related to its misogyny, but can't seem to get it together. Any thoughts?

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