Five Senses Friday

Nov 11, 2011 09:59

This week's Five Senses are presented in the first woollen sweater of the season; the days are getting colder 
and the heating in this flat is not much to brag around about so Lucas had to get it his thick jumpers out
from the bottom locker earlier this week.
Myself I've been feeling the chill for a while already, so when he found one of them too small it suited
me buenissimo.


Fireworks. Lots of them. Too much of them.
Not only because of Guy Fawkes Night last Saturday (think V for Vendetta), but the kids have been
shooting wildly and loudly around the block for weeks it seems.
Sainsbury's take a hint, enough buy-1-get-1-for-free firework offers now please.

I made us a luxurious raw soup of celeriac, green apples, macadamias and fresh truffles.
The truffles cost £9.98. It was mid-week.
I say no more.

The dark water as we cycled up along the canal for a Monday celebratory breakfast in Camden.
Pitch black (yes I know that is a colour rather) and the smell no less heavy whilst bowing my head 
to get through the tunnels.
Scents boldly hiding the waterway's secrets.

A slight confusion. 
Start MA application processes, choose a year working for money, 
move here move there, or stay?
- I soon have to decide what to do after graduation...

My sixth, undefinable:

Last night's full moon put a few things in a new light, shone some different perspectives 
on thoughts stuck. Some times only tiny taps with the fingers, snaps with the toes, helps.

So, how' s your weeks been darlings?

ps.Will the world change dramatically by 11.11 am today? 11.11.11.
Let's call it the international day of togetherness instead, shall we?

surroundings, five senses friday, uni - living 3rd year, in my mind

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