Shimmysunny weekend scenes

May 23, 2011 11:12

shimmy |ˈ sh imē|
noun ( pl. -mies)
1 a kind of ragtime dance in which the whole body shakes or sways.

And so it goes...

Thursday evenings are filled with exhibition openings around and last week was no exception; with a total of fours
different gallery visits on me squashed in after closing up the gallery. Z and Do and a few other guests took me over
to the neighbour galleries for some hand shakes and wine, and I later cycled over to the lovely streets of De Beauvoir 
town to check out yet another opening for them. 
...The best with gallery 1 1/2 was to me the view of the cosy surrounding houses, but the surprising
appearance of Robert Wilson's portraits was also enjoyable before the summer-evening-warm ride back home.




Friday came and after some pottering and silly naps in the warmth, Siri came around and we both
were drowsy and needed some coffee and candy fix from the new little bar hole up in Brick Lane. 
Strolled around abit talking about her leaving off to Sweden again and funnyweird ideas for the future.

My friends Jack and Rob and their Flea Circus was to play at The Gallery Cafe, so we went over for
jazz and pizzas. 
I was happy to finally get to check out the place, which was incredibly friendly and definitely
a new favourite of mine!






Saturday the sun was out again, and the rooftops were tempting; I craved Dalston Roof Park and cycled up the
roads to catch up with Siri again, who was as exited as me to see this wonder!

All the way up ontop of a Dalston warhouse the roof is covered with green, and the deck chairs was a perfect spot
with reggae from the speakers and some fresh tomato juice in the bright day. 
Lucas came too after a while, and we all enjoyed the airy feel above the streets and the thought of coming 
summery days up there.





The market in Ridley Road around the corner was offering a world of Creole foods and fresh fruit.
So we happily filled up the back pack with cheap melons and blueberries for dinner before we hit the tubes.

Alina's garden out in Putney Bridge got beautifully full of lanterns and fairy lights, 
canapés and champagne, and all of us greeting her 'happy birthday' when the hour later struck midnight.


Cosmo was running around between our feet, as usual enjoying all the attention, we were chatting under the 
the baldachins, before we ended the evening on the night buses back home eastwards.

What a superb weekend with lots of sun and friends, good tunes and new places!

the big days, on london, uni - living 2nd year, musicish

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