Fic: Touch, The Losers, Jensen, Gen, R

Aug 18, 2010 10:38

Sooooo.... it's not my fault. Blame katemonkey because she made me do it. I got into another fandom. Curses. Ah well. Looks like my new favorite thing is teams of badass guys who do the impossible and blow things up pretty.

Title: Touch
Author: Maggie
Rating: R
Characters: Jensen
Fandom: The Losers
Notes: Pre-Movieverse. An origin story.
Warning: Drug abuse, Foul language, Child abuse, Violence
Thanks: to katemonkey and rabid_x for the wonderful beta jobs the both of ya's. You ladies rock my socks. Also, a double thanks goes to Kate for dragging me into Losers fandom with her beautiful fics.

Like I said. Irreplaceable.

Check it out on OohShaSha.

the losers, gen, kate is evil - in a good way, jensen, fic

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