Time for a Crazy Poll

Jan 28, 2008 15:59

I have a potentially crazy idea. A potentially very crazy idea, but hear me out.

A while back there was a Jensen/Jared and Dean/Sam romance novel re-write challenge. You took a romance novel concept from a list and you rewrote it with them as the leads. We've all heard of this before, it's fun, it's cracky, it produces some really enjoyable fic.

Today, while I've been at work doing very little actual work, I've been watching vids on Youtube and due to
bluegemeyes song meme which had an Aladdin song on it, I watched that vid, and came up with an idea. My crazy idea. So... answer the poll below and we'll see if anything comes from this brief moment of lunacy.

Poll J2/Wincest Disney Movie Challenge 
girlfan1979  brought to my attention that there has already been a Dean/Sam Disney-based ficathon, so really the question is, would anyone be interested in a J2 ficathon of the same type?

poll, dean/sam, ficathon, jensen/jared, j2, spn, utter insanity

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