Is it 5:00 yet?

Jun 24, 2011 09:15

Alright, so... updates time. Because I'm lame and I don't post for weeks on end. We're doin' this list style.

-Gonna be doing some craziness with my hair this weekend. Gotta lighten the blonde up first and then I'm going to be putting steaks of either purple and red or purple and blue in it under the top layer. Leaning towards purple and red but I'll make the final decision when we go to pick up the dye and supplies at lunch today.

-I'm on Tumblr now and I freaking love the site, love cruising people's blogs and seeing the crazy pics and reblogging. The thing is, fucking Tumblr FREEZES every two seconds when I try to make a post or reblog anything. I can look, I just can't, apparently, USE the service. It's pissing me off.

-The Star Trek Big Bang fic is coming along pretty good; I gotta sit down next weekend and put some serious hours into pounding out the serious business though. Still haven't found a beta for it - in addition to my usual, I was hoping to get someone who was more familiar with the fandom to do one, but so far none of my inquiries on the Beta Post have been answered and no one's contacted me via my post either. Still, it's early on, so there's still time.

-I sneezed with a piece of Chex cereal in my mouth a minute ago and seem to have snorted some of it. Nasal cavity still burning.

-We're finally going to go see X-Men: FC this tomorrow so I'm pumped for that. Alot of people that I've talked to about it and reviewers that I tend to agree with have given it really good marks. Even if it's got the wrong Summers in it, I can dig it.

-Pixie and Half-Orc are coming down from Cincy tonight so we can hang out and be dorks and I imagine there will probably be some (lighter than usual) drinking and silliness.

-Tonight I am also trying my hand at whipping together my first layer cake. I make good cake. I make good buttercream. I should be able to handle stacking one cake on top of another. I hope.

-And since my Tumblr is being a bitch, enjoy the couple of pictures here that I was trying to use in posts there. Let's just call this and this a celebration of Friday!

I think these are the major updates.... yeah. Catch ya' later! Have a good weekend, my lovelies!

i feel pretty and witty and gay, star trek, tumblr, i like my foods, movies, personal, randomness, marvel, big bang

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