(no subject)

Mar 31, 2011 14:08

I know I haven't posted for a bit, but keep the throwing of things at me to small pebbles and the like. Work has been for shit and my car has died (again). I tried to get into livejournal yesterday and post, but the blasted thing was down, much to my dismay. I even, in thinking it was my IE acting up, screwed up my settings and it took me half an hour to get them fixed. But anyway, for ease, let's do this list style :)

1. General Fandom - I am neck deep in it right now. I'm jumping all over the place and have written one shot fics in no less than three new fandoms since joining tvnetwork1_las and tvnetwork2_las. Seriously, I've written stuff for Sliders (seriously.), Dark Angel, and Doctor Who. My brain is frying. But I'm still in the competition, so I'm counting it as a win and at least it's pushing me out of my comfort zone every week.

2. Gaming - Holy crap I'm in some good freaking games right now. We had one end not too long ago and we're gearing up for a new one that's going to be set in the DC Universe and to try and make it fresh we're literally rebooting the entire world. When we all sat down to discuss what we might like to see and what reworked characters from canon we wanted to have in the initial forming of the JLA it was a unanimous (might have just spelled that wrong..) decision to have both Clark Kent and Lex Luthor as goodies in the formation of the JLA. We're stoked. If we can get the half-orc to finalize his character decision we'll be all set to go. Thankfully, pixie and I are pretty solid on who we're bringing to the table and rabid_x seems really happy with our character concepts and what we're bringing with us for world creation.

3. Star Trek - I know I promised I'd never get into this fandom, but last week when I was sick as hell (also the day my car died on the way home, go fig), as soon as I got home I decided to throw in the 2009 Star Trek movie. The bloopers make me happy and in my personal canon, Jim and Spock really do slap each other high-to-low fives on the bridge. Anyway, threw the movie in, watched it, somewhere in the middle I was like damn that McCoy is fine. Normally I'm too busy oogling Spock to notice. So when it finished I curled up on the couch with my lappity-toppity box and skimmed for some Bones fic on a whim. I have become fucking hooked on Bones/Kirk. Seriously, I have a problem. And if you only ever read one single Star Trek fic, please go to ceres-libera's livejournal and read her epic story Switch and the follow-up Touch. I literally could not stop reading it. I was reading it on my freaking phone in between times I could get to the computer to finish it. Beautifully written and amazing.

So yeah, I'll let you know when I finally dig my way out from under the mountain of Bones/Kirk fic that I have to read now. And don't be surprised to see a couple of pieces of Star Trek fic crop up in some of my challenge writing.

Well, this post was going to be longer, but unfortunately, I hear my name being called. Back to the salt mines for me.

dcu, gaming, star trek, personal, live long and prosper, fandom

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