Mar 11, 2011 13:21
Yesterday I gave you what is possibly the best picture in existence. You're welcome.
Today, I present to you the best quote probably ever. I'm sure this is offensive to some people. Those people obviously don't know me very well or probably they would've defriended me by now. Anyway, check this out, from an article I was sent by a friend today. I've bolded the Best Quote Ever*
"Comics legend Alan Moore's series The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen - which featured a morally dubious gang of 19th-century superheroes, including the Invisible Man and Dr Jekyll and Mister Hyde - was hailed as an instant classic when it was first published in 1999. The subsequent, Sean Connery-starring film? Not so much. To make matters worse, Moore was made to testify in a plagiarism lawsuit brought by a screenwriter against the movie's studio, Twentieth Century Fox. ''I was cross-examined for 10 hours,'' Moore would later recall to British newspaper, The Independent on Sunday. ''I remember thinking that if I had raped and murdered a busful of retarded schoolchildren after selling them heroin, I probably wouldn't have been cross-examined for that long.''"
*this week