Put the lime in the coconut

Jan 21, 2011 08:41

Yesterday was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. Seriously, we all agreed it was the worst day of the year. Which is probably good since we got it out of the way early.

All of us were having work problems, had bad mornings and worse afternoons, and the snow was bad enough/city maintainence sucked enough that my usual 20 minute drive home took over an hour and a half.

But today! Oh today! *writes epic poems about today*

Today, for starters, my hair looks adorable. I got up super early expecting the roads to still be horrible, but when I checked they were fine so I played with my hair. It's all pretty and curled at the bottom and I have my side-sweepy bangs and yeah... pretty hair today instead of just ponytail and out the door.

And I'm wearing one of my new pretty sweaters. It's a silvery grey and it fits really good and has a scoopy neck with a row of pretty buttons in the front. Pretty shirt!!

And I leave today at 1:30 and go meet rabid_x for our shared half-day of hooky fun! We're going to head straight over to the cinema to see The Green Hornet, then we're going to catch an early dinner at one of the best Japanese places in town, then we're going to play through some Fable III on the X Box, and then we finish the evening with a late showing of Due Date because we love us some RDJ and ZG. Like mad. It'll be sweet.

Mind you, somewhere in there I have to finish writing my losers_pwn fic, but I finally know how Jensen is going to have been tracking Aisha which has been driving me nuts.

Oh, oh! And!! And, knotted_rose was kind enough to rec me a ton of Five-0 fic featuring Danny/Steve. I've finished three so far, I'm working on devouring the others now.

So, all in all, today will be good. I will have it no other way. (Plus I have chicken and stars soup for lunch. How can any day with that be a bad day?)

(OH! Oh! And, The Packers have a shot at the Superbowl. Holy fuck how cool is that? A-Rog and I have had our differences in the past, but the Pack is still the Pack. )

Edited: P.S. Is anyone else as excited as I am that Scott Caan is taking his shirt off in the next Five-0? Finally! Steve always gets all the action, gotta get me some Danno love. Mmm.... Scott.

vigorous awesomeness, the losers, personal, hawaii five-o, movies, at work, rah rah rah

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