Fandom Meme
Rules: Tell me you want to play, give me a list of your fandoms (old and new) and I'll three of your them. Then update your journal and answer the following questions:
1. What got you into this fandom in the first place?
2. Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?
3. Favorite episodes/books/movies, etc?
4. Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)?
5. Do you think more people should get into this fandom?
fleurlb gave me A-Team, Leverage and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Since it was my first, seems right to start with it)
1. I first started watching the show itself pretty much because my brother had started watching it for the hot girls. Thing was that he lost interest and I just got more obsessed. I didn't really get into the fandom until my Sophomore year when I made friends with another girl at school who was really into the show as well. From there, and with the advent of Yahoo! Groups it was super easy to get sucked into the world of Spuffy.
2. I admit wholly that I do way, way less with it than I did in the past. I still try and sign up for a couple particular challenges each year, and I'll occasionally cruise for fiction or art. I don't think I'll ever give it up entirely.
3. Hush. Season Eight Comics. Tales of the Vampires Comics. Lovers Walk. The Wish. Restless. The Body & Forever. Once More, with Feeling. Tabula Rasa. Normal Again. Storyteller. Chosen.
4. I used to do fanfic, graphics, fanvids, discussions, the whole nine years. Now I just generally do the very occasional fanfic or piece of fanart.
5. That's a hard question for me. I'm going to sound like a jerk, but honestly it's hard for me to get excited about a lot of the new writers in the fandom. I still get totally psyched for all the folks that I've known who have been writing in it for a while, but it seems like you have to slog through a ton of bad fic to find any good fic amongst the newer posters.
1. I started watching this show primarily because I love Christian Kane and I love Timothy Hutton. It didn't take long for me to just fall in love madly with the entire cast. I developed a bit of a thing for the concept of Parker and Eliot together so from there it was easy to find the livejournal groups with similar interests.
2. I think I'll stay in this fandom for as long as the series is running, but I don't know that I'll keep it up after it ends.
3. The entire first season - if I tried to list episodes it would be almost all. The Tap Out Job. The Two Live Crew Job. The Future Job. The Inside Job. The Studio Job. The Rashomon Job.
4. Mostly just fanfic, the occasional discussion.
5. Definitely. I think that it's a fandom that is growing in strength rather than declining and the continued support will only increase the chances of the show lasting.
The A-Team
rabid_x and I went and saw this movie three times in the theater. I loved it more each time I saw it. I had been a huge fan of the series, but it was never something I would see myself writing for. The updates the movie made, though? Man, it drug me in kicking and screaming. It started with a single fic idea and snowballed from there.
2. I think when the movie hits DVD I'll probably have a surge of fic and then settle down for a while - maybe the occasional plot bunny will nip me, but it'll never be my main fandom.
3. The movie, definitely. There are several episodes I loved - The Bend in the River, Say It With Bullets, A Nice Place to Visit, The Only Church in Town, The Grey Team, Deadly Maneuvers, Without Reservations, The Beast From the Belly of the Boeing, Incident at Crystal Lake, and In Plane Sight being my favorites. But the movie is what made me get into the fandom at all.
4. Fanfic.
5. Oh hells yes. There are no where near enough in my opinion. I would definitely love to see the fandom grow, but I don't have my hopes up.