I pretty much came to the conclusion that I would wind up to be 8 or the TARDIS 1/2 way through the test.
Other then the last line kind of have to agree, but would like to think I would be strong enough if faced with that kind of choice I would do the right thing.
You are the Eighth Doctor
Take The Doctor Who Personality Test and Horoscope today!Created with
Rum and Monkey's
Personality Test Generator.
You are a very feeling person and in touch with your emotions. Your fashion sense is a bit old fashioned, but you have a certain charm that the opposite sex loves. You are attracted to people who are smart and adventurous. You are not afraid to give your heart(s) to someone. You are intrigued by the spiritual and the occult. People recognize your voice better than your face. You will end up destroying your entire planet to win a intergalactic war.