
Sep 09, 2008 01:10

THANK YOU dara for helping lila discover (m)utorrent. it's SO BAD ASS that i want to jizz myself. i'm gonna kill my computer with CDs.

i'm all moved in to my new place, too. i mostly sit in my room on the computer. it's awkward. powers is at least in his late 50's as is the other guy who sleeps in the add-on room, duffy. powers sometimes brings his ex-wife of 30 years over and she cooks dinner and drinks herself into a fit of verbal rage against powers and herself. he's friendly, and pretty chill. he rolled me a joint the day i came to look at the house after i mentioned going to pick up greens afterward.

if i had a camera i would take all sorts of pics of the yard. it's literally an enchanted wonderland complete with a canal, bridged pathways, and even a water hole teeming with life. there are trees everywhere -- maybe 100 or so, many of them towering at least 50 feet tall. palms, pines, banyans, vines and ivies sprawling over the stone walls. it would be beautiful, if the yard were tidied up and re-mulched and the house repainted. hell, it's beautiful as is but just imagine...


it started last tuesday. i met judge kevin emas, the attorneys, the plaintiff, and the dozen or so defendants in what would be revealed later that day to be a medical malpractice case. i went with the flow, and today i was at the courthouse for the fourth time in one week, having answered a handful of questions by 5 different lawyers, and listened to dozens of rounds of those questions and the answers to them. there were 32 of us today, whittled down over the course of the week from what could've easily been 200, not even including the people in the jury pool room on tuesday! the questions today lasted until 5:30. we were released for a half hour break before the final jury selection.

the selection? NOBODY! neither side could agree on 8-9 people to be on the jury. we were all dismissed and thanked for fulfilling our civic duty. it's our civic duty to wait for four days on hard wooden benches, wearing our tailbones down to nothing and making our asses throb just to prolong the family's suffering and waiting for justice. pain and suffering. when did those become quantifiable figures and why can't i figure out how it even makes the slightest bit of sense? i suppose i could have said that right off during the questioning and been let go much sooner, but i actually wanted to serve on this jury. i've learned a lot and was eager to learn more. whatever. god bless america.

WE LIKE IKE? son of a bitch. scared the shit out of me for a couple of days, then pissed the shit out of me for passing us to the south. thank goodness.
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