Friday Night:
Alex's Bar in Long Beach for Goli and Samantha’s Birthday Party.
This is what I thought of the band.
This is what Goli thought of turning 30. Wait till she hits 39 like I will in September.
Good times. Food, drinks, good conversation, and a nice mix of everyone's friends.
There was an excellent photo taken of Andy and me. As soon as we find our cable, I will upload from his camera.
Saturday Night:
Roger came by, and we cruised down to the OC to check out Mark and Karen's new place. It's super cute, 1920's architecture with some really nice arches and niches.
After pomegranite martinis and pita chips and dips, we headed back to the LA to hit the opening of a show at GR2 where Mark has a few pieces up and running. It's a show of art all on post-it notes. Actual photos of his pieces on the walls, again, when I find the ol' cable.
After the show, we all headed over to Ye Olde King's Head for Black and Tans and Fish and Chips. Mark and Roger went nuts and each got a King Size, but Karen, Andy, and I stuck with the more manageable Queen Size. This is easily the best fish and chips meal out there; If you ever happen to be in Santa Monica... We actually closed the place, more or less. Good times, good times.
The piece de resistance: Goli, Jay, Andy and I headed to CBS studios to watch a taping of a performance episode of Rockstar: Supernova.
Well, we arrived at about 3:00 pm, and it was hot as blazes. The invitation said to dress (quote) hip, young, rock-and-roll (quote). I wore, and I kid you not, my vinyl platform boots and, in honor of the occasion, Goli and I both busted out the fake eyelashes. I was fairly certain that we would be the oldest folks in attendance, and would thus appear super-foolish in my rock gear so imagine my delight when many in the line looked sort of like they were lined up for, dare I say, Jimmy Buffet, rather than this pseudo-rock-joke, even. Irony at its best, but I was hyped for it, Goli and I were talking a mile a minute.
Andy and Jay were decidedly less enthusiastic than Goli and me, preferring when we got to the line and were interviewed on camera about our favorite rockstars, to conveniently disappear out of frame. It was a riot. I have to say that they are both good sports, good husbands, good guys in general. Denim Dress and Hot Topic Corset, the two bleached-blonde obsessives in line in front of us, were scoping us out, hard looks from the get, and I couldn’t restrain myself from making loud comments within earshot that we probably wouldn’t get in. And (and I rarely begin a sentence with the word and), and, I was right. After an hour’s wait, alas we were turned away.
Instead, we headed to El Compadre on Sunset, across from Guitar Center. Ah, seems like old times. Even the crowd looked the same. At least I fit in just fine there in my vinyl platform boots. Good tacos. We drove home with a promise from the show to be ushered in first for the next taping. I believe Andy and Jay will sit that one out if they have a chance.