Jun 25, 2010 13:39
Hello. It's been... well, a very long time since the last post. As a general filler, I've been hellishly busy, and my life has been doing one of those "aaaaaaand everything changes" modes. Some creative projects have been put on back burners. Others are moved up. On the whole, I haven't had enough time or energy for any of them, though, so progress has been... slow.
Factions 2nd Edition
Is still crawling along. Playtesting has entered a "summer schedule," so feedback is not forthcoming on any regular or prompt basis. I have been working on the macro mechanics sets on things like Domain Prestige (getting in good with the Elements and earning supernatural goodies), and Ritual Magic is getting tweaked here and there. Still, I had to accept the fact that it wasn't going to be in anywhere near a ready condition for Gen Con this year. Ah well. That's what 2011 will be for.
Agent Hunting
Still no movement here. I've gotten a bit ambitious on this front, and have a new list of 15 I'm going to hit up. I'm telling myself I will do so in a rapid fashion, but we'll see.
New Fiction
Actually got some important work done on the new book idea. It is set in the same world as Kingdom of Ashes, but is not part of that series. Mostly just character sketch work and structure outlines, but important stuff nonetheless. I am going to enjoy actually diving into this; looking forward to it.
Board Games
On the distant back burner. Again, nothing will be ready until Gen Con 2011, or perhaps a late spring Con next year.
That's all, really. I'm trying to get my head back on straight, but between working 50+ hour weeks on a "flexible" schedule, personal chaos, and the like, it's been a bit of a trip. On the other hand, I am still going to Gen Con this year, even if only as a fringe "industry" person, to hit the parties, socialize, rub elbows, and, you know, actually have a bit of a vacation for once.