Gen Con is Go, Amazon, Order of Battle Playtest

Jun 06, 2009 14:54

Gen Con is Go

So, I had a bit of a panic-moment when I realized that I had missed the listed deadline to sign up for the Forge Booth at Gen Con... by four days. Fortunately, the organizer said it was a-ok, and I've secured my spot. As soon as Paypal completes the money transfer, I'll have my booth spot locked in and all will be well.

Finishing work on A Time to Kill is going well, with 25% of the illustrations already done. Everything looks right for getting it done before July, and getting the hardcover design for Kingdom of Ashes down my mid-July.

This means that for new product for Gen Con, I'll have: Factions at War Revised (which was entered in the Ennies), Kingdom of Ashes paperback (also in the Ennies), Kingdom of Ashes hardcover, and A Time to Kill. I'll also have along the Factions Player's Guide, and will be selling off the original Factions at War for cheap. Will probably bring along the last of the 2009 calendars, too, as a give-away item.


I'm listed on Amazon.

I didn't even have to sign up for Amazon's CreateSpace thing. Lulu is running a pilot program to place their books on Amazon's searches. At first, it looked like they were going to hike the prices by 30% (just to cover their costs, I guess) but they have since eliminated this clause. Simply, my Lulu offerings now show up on Amazon.

Which is kind of neat.

Order of Battle Playtest

This coming Tuesday is the next playtest of Order of Battle. We've changed it to a slightly more tactical game (complete with hexes and stuff), and this very well could be the final major evolution for the game. Sadly, there's no realistic way I can get this ready for Gen Con, but there's a possibility for 2010 Con of the North. I'm jazzed. Soon, I'll have to dive into the logistics of board game printing.

That's all the news that's fit to print.


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