Ennies, Reviews, A Time to Kill, Jon Con

Apr 17, 2009 12:29

Right then.

Got my books to send in to the Ennies, the En World awards thing that goes down at Gen Con. I'm sending them Factions at War Revised and Kingdom of Ashes. Actually had to do a little print run via Lulu to be able to meet their requirements... need 6 copies of each work. Which makes it kind of an expensive entry, when you figure shipping and whatnot into it (about $170). Ah well. Exposure, and all that. So those will ship out next week. Here's to hoping.

I mean, I honestly don't expect the game to get more than a few passing mentions... but the novel, that thing actually has a shot at winning something. It's in a strange category, and it can certainly compete with any of the usual game-related fiction out there. I remember reading some of the White Wolf novels when they first came out, and being pretty disappointed.


Pinged a few more prospects to get the novel reviewed. Haven't heard anything back yet. Will be hitting up Minnesota Reads next (thanks for the heads up, Ink). Been trying to spread the word that anyone can read the novel, for free, online at the website. Please feel free to cross post this information to anyone who might be interested. Spread the word.

Last bit, A Time to Kill. This is the combat "patch" that we're playtesting in the FitD game, and although all of the bugs have yet to be worked out, it's strong enough that I'm working on it right now to put up as a free PDF, and maybe a cheapy for print on Lulu. So what is A Time to Kill, anyway?

A Time to Kill is a hybrid combat system, taking the baseline "Non-Phased" combat system in Factions, and working in some of the advantages of the more granular, "Phased" one. It will still use all of the same raw mechanics, but handles time in the Round differently. Basically, a smoother, simpler version of Phased combat that will look a lot more familiar to folks familiar with the "multiple attacks per round" thing found in old DnD. Characters built to excel in fighting will be able to shine, but these fights won't drag down the pace of the game as hard as Phased combat generally does.

Will be done in a couple of weeks. Right in time for Jon Con.

Jon Con. Coming up on May 21st, running through the 24th. Going to be running a came (tentatively) called Unlikely Sources. Players are Alliance members who have to travel to Mexico to make a deal to buy weapons from the Shacti. You didn't think the Finn got his RPG's from a 7-11, did you?
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